FDNY Engine 10 Ladder 10

Sep 2, 2010
After 9/11 since Engine 10 & Ladder 10`s fire house was destroyed where did they respond out of ?
FDNYBuff97 said:
After 9/11 since Engine 10 & Ladder 10`s fire house was destroyed where did they respond out of ?

Engine 10 out of engine 7, and ladder 10 out of engine 4/ladder 15. Im pretty sure thats where they were but not %100 positive.
You are correct. It was a while before both companies were placed back in service after the attack. Both rigs were driving old spares. It was a few weeks I think before 10 Engine was back in, and at least 2 months or more before 10 Truck was back in service.
Fire Apparatus Journal had a very extensive on the aftermath of 9-11 in regards to apparatus destroyed and the spares used to put the companies back in service. The article was by Jaclk Calderone and was published in the Jan/Feb 2002 issue. E-10 ran with a 1988 Mack CF 1000 GPM rig.
Although not directly related to this but still about E10 L10, with the rig replacement happening and both these rigs are the same years as some of the rigs being replaced, though i am told 10 truck isnt in the range for the new ladder trucks coming through but it will be in the next batch of rigs being replaced, what do you think will happen to the 10 truck?
Haggerty said:
Although not directly related to this but still about E10 L10, with the rig replacement happening and both these rigs are the same years as some of the rigs being replaced, though i am told 10 truck isnt in the range for the new ladder trucks coming through but it will be in the next batch of rigs being replaced, what do you think will happen to the 10 truck?
i think it would be cool if they kept it at the fire museum or as a parade truck around but knowing NYC i doubt it. IMHO the best bet of it being preserved in its current state is a collector/museum buying it at auction
After 9-11-01 when the Towers were destroyed & the 10 House severely damaged....the bean counters originally said ..."well ...the 10 House was built & staffed there to primarily protect the Towers but now the Towers  are gone so lets not re-open 10 & 10 "....smarter  heads & Community & Union pressure prevailed & the Cos were saved....that was more the reason of the delay.... not the availability of apparatus.   
I would say that when 10 Truck get a new rig the mural will be taken off the current 10 Truck & the New rig will have a mural placed on it. If any apparatus was to be kept or placed into a museum it should be without doupt Retired Marine 1 "John D. McKean

Over 50 years of service and the work done by her on 9/11 alone should easly qualify her to be kept
68jk09 said:
After 9-11-01 when the Towers were destroyed & the 10 House severely damaged....the bean counters originally said ..."well ...the 10 House was built & staffed there to primarily protect the Towers but now the Towers  are gone so lets not re-open 10 & 10 "....smarter  heads & Community & Union pressure prevailed & the Cos were saved....that was more the reason of the delay.... not the availability of apparatus.   

Did the bean counters not realise they where going to re-build at the site??
I beg to differ with you, Irish, about which marine unit deserves to be memorialized.  Without meaning anything negative about the McKean, I cannot help but believe that if any FDNY fireboat deserves to be preserved, it is the "Firefighter".  It entered service in 1938, and served as a front line unit until last fall, when the "Firefighter II" took her place.  More than 72 years!  Many people consider her to be the most distinguished fireboat in history.
Isn't it also the only Fireboat in the Country to ever win the Gallant Ship Award ?
Irish...it is a good thing that they did not wait for the the "re-building" because at the rate that that is going ....they would still be closed........In  regard to Fireboats i feel the "John D. McKean" maybe not the actual boat..... but at least the name should be preserved (maybe a "John D. McKean # 2) my feeling for this is that He was an FDNY Member who was killed on board his boat in a boiler/steam explosion....(His Son was a well respected FDNY FF/Officer throughout the War Years all in busy Cos.).
You'll get no argument from me, Chief, on that.  My  only point was that as a piece of apparatus with historical value, I think Firefighter deserves preservation more than does the McKean.  I think it would be great to name a new boat the "John D. McKean II", even if it was just one of the new medium-size SafeBoats.
It is my understanding that the Fifefighter is going to be preserved somewhere as a museum.  The John D. McKeon is being sold to a tug boat company.