FDNY Incident Management Team Headed to California to Help w/ Wildfire Management

Apr 1, 2007
From the FDNY Facebook page:

"This week, 26 members of the FDNY Incident Management Team deployed to California to help support the containment efforts for the wildfires in the Sequoia National Forest. The FDNY IMT will assist with managing the operations, planning and logistics for the containment efforts."

FDNY photo:

Lot of smiles for lots of OT!!
And the fire will go out when it rains heavily or runs out of stuff to burn
We have trouble filling spots on our rigs yet we can send 30 guys across the country to manage somebody else's fire.
Most of the IMT is from the officer ranks. And the officers responsible to backfill work. Its a bit different from the FF/Tier 3 ranks.

IMT is open to all. Published in the department order every couple years which spells out how to join if interested.

Lets hate on 32 brothers who in the prime of the summer forgoing family events stepped up to go live in tents for 16 days.
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