Jul 29, 2019
Its a great book the best one I have on the War Years. Its hard to believe the amount of false alarms and the fact that in certain cases there wouldn't even be a response to some boxes other than a single engine. Also the civil unrest creating so many working fires that some were ignored and allowed to burn due to dangerous conditions in the streets. I had a hard time putting it down and was disappointed when it ended.
Sep 25, 2013
What I found amazing was the different remedies that were proposed and/or put into practice. Among the ones I do not understand was the Combined Fire Company. Apparatus are taking a beating but they put a concept where both and engine and a truck respond on every call. And it appears there was a lot of animosity between City Hall and the FDNY itself. I hope they do a second printing for those who couldn't get it when first published!
FDNY had numerous combination fire companies from 1881 to 1929. E96 was a combo in the 1940s and E49 was always a combo company. Not a novel concept in FDNY.
Jun 27, 2007
FDNY had numerous combination fire companies from 1881 to 1929. E96 was a combo in the 1940s and E49 was always a combo company. Not a novel concept in FDNY.
Yes, I did some searching and found for example Brooklyn E-55 became Combination Engine 55, then to Combination Engine 155 and finally Combination Engine 255 or something to that effect.
May 6, 2010
Here is some previous info from MACK concerning the 1970s failed Combo Companies as opposed to the Combo Companies of long ago......

There were 3 combination companies organized from 3 engine and 3 truck companies in the 1970s to save money when NYC was have a budget problem. Combos were in SI, Queens and the Bronx in outlaying areas. Combos combined engine and truck companies in same firehouse to form one unit. A captain replaced the 2 officers normally assigned to 2 individual companies. The combo unit would respond with bot pumper and ladder apparatus on all responses. Unit would then have 2 teams at any incident. Plan was to develop more Combos but system was inefficient and not flexible. See more information in Firehouse thread one page 127.

FDNY also used combination fire companies when expansion of FDNY took place after 1898 when Brooklyn, Queens and SI became part of NYC.
Jun 22, 2007
Yes, you are CORRECT "Lebby", I checked about one week ago and THEY WERE SOLD OUT.

When I first checked they were available, but I held off due to the funds I had available at the time.

When I went back, "SORRY SOLD OUT"

Members and visitors to this web site.
What I am about to write here was a TOTAL SURPRISE TO ME.
I would like to refer this to what I call:

"The Mystery Of The FIRESTORM Book", by Jack Calderone.

So here is the story.

Recently, I was contacted by member "FDHistorian", aka Iggy, that he has a package for me and he would like to meet up with me.
Both Iggy and myself live in Connecticut about 45 miles apart, and I've known Iggy for a long time.

So I asked Iggy what the package was and he would NOT tell me.
He only said that it was sent to him and he did NOT know who sent it.

So I met up with Iggy about half way and what he gave me was a brand new copy of the Book FIRESTORM by Jack Calderone.
I was shocked and could NOT believe it.

I had mentioned here that I wanted to order that book.
But I had held off in order to get enough cash to buy FOUR of them to give to three other friends.
So about two weeks later I check and the book is SOLD OUT.

Iggy told me the only thing he knows is the book was sent to him and they told Iggy; "Give this to Willy and tell him Gasoline Gomez sent it to him".

THANK YOU IGGY and THANK YOU "Gasoline Gomez".
It is an EXCELLENT BOOK and I will add it to my other favorites on those FDNY WAR YEARS, including "Into the Smoke - with New York Firefighters" by "mikeindabronx", as well as another favorite; "They Saved New York" by "JohnnyGage".

I was very fortunate that I got to see for myself and learn by watching the work that those FDNY WAR YEARS Firefighters did during those years.

I would also add:
"If ANYONE has any information on who gave me this book and who called themselves GASOLINE GOMEZ, please forward that information to me".
Of course No Names will be mentioned if so requested, while this investigation goes on.

And Thank You Iggy for your part in this Truly Great Story.

Willy D, aka "NFD2004"


Mar 1, 2007

Messsage me with the details (when you sent the check, etc.) and I can look into it for you