foam vs Satalite

May 12, 2010
since the satellite units carry large amount of foam, what are foam units used for???


The satellites only carry a few cans. Granted, those cans can make a few thousand gallons of foam. The Foam Units carry 1,000 gallons of foam.
Satelite units carry 32 5-gallon containers of foam. Foam carriers carry 1000 gallons. In addition the two new fireboats will have 3600 gallons of foam concentrate. FDNY Ops Ref.
Also note that there is a difference between "Foam Carrier" and "Foam Tender"
Carrier =old converted Engine, 1000 of Alcohol or Protein
Tender = 3000 of ?

FDNY Moving to all Alcohol for the most part.
Hazmat has some special stuff also.
RE FDNY Ops Ref. 
foam tender has 3000 gallon tanks for fluroprotien concentrate (alchoal resistant foan is NA)
A complete breakdown for the satelites. S-1 32 High expansion and 4 alchoal-resistant, S-2 2 fluroprotien, 32 HE and 2 AR, S-3 3 FP, 37 HE, and 2 AR. S-4 24 HE and  and 8 AR, S-5 10 FP, 21 HE and 1 AR, S-6 24 HE and 8 AR. FP fluroprotien brown can, HE High expansion yellow can, and AR alchoal resistant green can. Hope it helps, info from Ops Ref. 8) :D :)