Fourth Alarm Chiefs

Apr 4, 2016
At the press briefing today at the fifth Alarm Bronx fire. AC Curraro introduced himself as "The fourth Alarm Chief". Which Chief postings are designated as Fourth Alarm Chiefs ?
I believe its the CWTC. Curraro is the Chief of Training correct because the Chief of Training was CWTC last night if I'm correct.
Car-3 (Or at Discretion)

A handful of other chiefs are 3rd Alarm Chief or City Wide Tour Command and respond on 3rd Alarms

As Darrell said Car-15 was the CW Tour Commander and is normally assigned on the 3rd
Thank you all for replying. Watching the press briefing, Chief Curraro introduced AC Kevin Brennan as the CWTC and himself as the Fourth Alarm chief.
Not civilian positions ?
The 4th Alarm Chiefs rotate the duty and respond either from their office or home. They are one of the senior staff chiefs, such as the Chief of Training, the Assistant Chief of Operations, & Chief of Fire Prevention. At once time they were called Bureau Chiefs.

The 5th Alarm chief is either the Chief of Operations or the Chief of Dept.

However, the Chief of Dept can change this procedure.

Specialty Chiefs, such as the Chief of Safety, &/or the Chief of SOC might not pull normal citywide fire duty since they are assigned
to respond to major incidents.

Chiefs holding the rank of Deputy Assistant Chief or Assistant Chief normally will perform Citywide Fire Duty. Remember there is a difference
between rank & title.
Thank you very much Atlas for your excellent reply. May I wish you and all the administrators of this group a happy Christmas and a prosperous New year from all of us in the UK.
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The normal 3rd Alarm Chiefs are the Citywide Tour Commander. If the 3rd Alarm Chief is a DAC it’s required that the 4th alarm chief to be AC or above. 4th Alarm Chief is usually Espo. I believe he was covering for COD so he moves to 5th alarm at discretion and will be a 4th Alarm AC ready to go on the 4th Alarm. Chief of Safety usually responds on 4th Alarm. Safety Command BC goes on 3rd Alarm and usually Chief of SOC.
The normal 3rd Alarm Chiefs are the Citywide Tour Commander. If the 3rd Alarm Chief is a DAC it’s required that the 4th alarm chief to be AC or above. 4th Alarm Chief is usually Espo. I believe he was covering for COD so he moves to 5th alarm at discretion and will be a 4th Alarm AC ready to go on the 4th Alarm. Chief of Safety usually responds on 4th Alarm. Safety Command BC goes on 3rd Alarm and usually Chief of SOC.
Normally the staff chiefs can respond at their pleasure. If they feel that their presents can help the situation, they can respond. Remember that a staff chief assigned to a Boro Cmd can go to any call they feel their services can be use full. A Boro Commander is responsible for making sure that Deputy Chiefs are making the right decisions in the field. You can do that from behind a desk.
The normal 3rd Alarm Chiefs are the Citywide Tour Commander. If the 3rd Alarm Chief is a DAC it’s required that the 4th alarm chief to be AC or above. 4th Alarm Chief is usually Espo. I believe he was covering for COD so he moves to 5th alarm at discretion and will be a 4th Alarm AC ready to go on the 4th Alarm. Chief of Safety usually responds on 4th Alarm. Safety Command BC goes on 3rd Alarm and usually Chief of SOC.
Is the safety command BC the same as the safety batt?
Is the safety command BC the same as the safety batt?
There is a Batt Chief assigned to the safety command working daily around the clock. 24/7. However years ago there was always extra Batt chiefs in Safety working on investigations or special projects. I do not know if this is true today. Remember, at times FDNY will activate a second Safety Batt due to weather or special events. So that would leave the question, "where do these chief's come from?"