Frequently Asked Question

With all the assistant, chief deputy chief what would be a response to a five alarm fire for the Chiefs?
Citywide Tour Commander on the 3rd Alarm (Usually a DAC/AC), Chief of Fire Operations on the 4th Alarm and Chief of Department on the 5th alarm.

On the chiefs discretion can respond to any Incident. As far as I know, only the above is "needed" but very common to see a few additional staff chiefs by the time it hits the 5-5.

Also requires a Deputy Assistant Chief from the Bureau of Safety on the 3rd alarm and an Assistant Chief on the 4th alarm if I am not mistaken.
Citywide Tour Commander on the 3rd Alarm (Usually a DAC/AC), Chief of Fire Operations on the 4th Alarm and Chief of Department on the 5th alarm.

On the chiefs discretion can respond to any Incident. As far as I know, only the above is "needed" but very common to see a few additional staff chiefs by the time it hits the 5-5.

Also requires a Deputy Assistant Chief from the Bureau of Safety on the 3rd alarm and an Assistant Chief on the 4th alarm if I am not mistaken.
I remember it being Borough on the 3rd when their in Service, CWTC on the 4th, and COFO or the COD on the 5th.
Honestly, in my opinion, I think they should bring back the first alarm after the 10-75 and have the division chief handle. second alarm would be Boro commander, third alarm assistant operations chief, fourth alarm ops chief, fifth alarm chief department
The idea was to at all times have atleast two chiefs at the command post, allowing the 2nd Battalion Chief to enter the building for fire sector stuff.
Citywide Tour Commander on the 3rd Alarm (Usually a DAC/AC), Chief of Fire Operations on the 4th Alarm and Chief of Department on the 5th alarm.

On the chiefs discretion can respond to any Incident. As far as I know, only the above is "needed" but very common to see a few additional staff chiefs by the time it hits the 5-5.

Also requires a Deputy Assistant Chief from the Bureau of Safety on the 3rd alarm and an Assistant Chief on the 4th alarm if I am not mistaken.
I don't think that is correct regarding the Safety response. An additional Chief from the Safety Command responds on the third alarm, but most of the time lately it has been a BC. The current Chief of Safety is a DC, not a DAC or AC. I think the current response is that a BC from Safety responds on the 3rd, and the Chief of Safety responds on the 4th, but could respond sooner at his discretion. In any event, the highest ranking officer in Safety is currently a DC, no DAC or AC in safety since the recent staff chief shuffle. If you look at responses on this site, you'll see the BCs who respond on the third alarm as 12-cars, and they appear to be in a rotation, i.e. Car 12A, 12B, 12C, with Car 12 obviously being the DC who is Chief of Safety.

Sources: recent department orders, responses as listed on this site, and the FDNY org chart.
To bad we couldn't make a new topic for this discussion so when we need the answers we could find it rather that it be under here.

Wish I could lock this topic and keep it neat and clean. But unfortunately that'll never happen
The current Chief of Safety is acting until April 9th. Then will be made a DAC.

The Safety Battalion responds to 2nd alarms, 77s, 76s and numerous other incidents. Car 12A, B, C share the 3rd alarm duty. Which is to relieve the SB so it can go back in service.