Group change

Jul 14, 2007
From time to time, a Department Order will list a group change of officers within a company. Is there a common reason why this happens? Just wondering.
Changes are normally made when somebody wants to ride with somebody else or work with somebody else. Occasionally it's to make their vacation schedule for something like a special event or a spouse schedule.
Changes are normally made when somebody wants to ride with somebody else or work with somebody else. Occasionally it's to make their vacation schedule for something like a special event or a spouse schedule.

I must comment here.

As a Retired Firefighter in a much smaller city, I would make swaps with other guys as well.

For example; "Our schedule was split into 10 hour Day shifts, with 14 hour Night shifts".
We would need to put in for that swap at least 48 hours ahead of time.

I had an individual who worked the same days of the week as I did, except he would work Days - when I would be scheduled to work Nights.
So I would relieve him and he would relieve me, visa versa.
I could ALWAYS COUNT ON HIM and we NEVER let each other down.

When I wanted to do my buffing on those Very Busy Fourth of July's, "he would work for me" and on New Years Eve, "I would work for him".

My LAST Day on the job when I retired was Christmas Day, 2003.
I had to work, December 24th DAY and he was scheduled to work December 24th (Christmas Eve) - Nights.
Being I had no kids and no place to go because my wife was at her parents house about a 2 hour drive, and I had to be back for Christmas morning at 7 am, "I told him he could have Christmas Eve off and I would cover for him".
We put in for it and got it approved I wished him a Very Merry Christmas.
A little gift from me to him.

Of course I work as scheduled that Christmas Day as well and he comes in to relieve me at 5 pm.
I say Good Bye to my Brother Firefighters and I AM NOW OFFICIALLY RETIRED.

I walk out that door of the firehouse for the final time.
I didn't know whether to smile or cry.
I tell people (to this day), "It was like I won the lottery and lost my best friend at the same time".

But my point is, I think in most departments, firefighters ARE allowed to swap shifts.
Also I think most departments today work a 24 hour shift but swapping is still allowed.
In the dept I just mentioned, as I understand it, swaps may be made splitting the 24 hour shift into a day shift or a night shift.
Over the years this has been written into the contract agreement with both the city and the firefighters local. As long as there's NO ADDED COST to the City and also that the regularly employee is STILL Responsible should the other individual NOT show up for whatever reason.

I guess it's just one of the added NO COST Fringe Benefits that Firefighters have.
Of course in this job, "there's NO Guaranties of coming home while your family or spouse waits for you".

But anybody who might be interested in becoming a firefighter, "It is certainly NOT an easy job to get".
It takes a LOT of hard work just to get into that Probie School.
BUT, I would encourage any one who has any thought about becoming a firefighter, check it out and don't just apply at one place, apply at several.
I took FOUR Test before I finally got on the job.

I would also add; "It takes a very special kind of spouse, parent, etc to have a family member employed as a firefighter, as well as a police officer, military member, or EMT/Medic, Utility Workers etc".
There are NO PROMISES that your Loved One will return home.

These days, "I'm on the Outside Looking In and I want to THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO.

Not talking about swaps, or mutuals, which are common and informal shift or tour exchanges, often for family reasons, personal events, etn. Question was group change orders for officers - which is not uncommon - a way to realign officers to work with different group members until realigned by new orders Maybe done to balancing experience or skills. Maybe groups changed for vacation scheduling as Bulldog noted.
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I always thought that group changes, especially involving Captains were made out of the necessity to have Captains available on any given tour to be available to be an Acting Battalion Chief; likewise for when Battalion chiefs are to be a Acting Deputy Chief for the tour.
Some Firefighter group changes may accommodate requests by ECC's so that they may have a ECC partner working opposite them for a 24 MXT convenience.
RELATED QUESTION: Did FDNY return to working the group chart after the Pandemic or are they still doing 24 on, 72 off?