Heavy rescue out to bid

BCR said:
There is probably a good chance that if the rigs are over there GVW that they have an overweight permit. It's not that the dot is gonna give a FD rig a problem it's if they get into an accident they will be liable if it's proven they are over weight, I'm sure with lawyers today that they have something covering them, after all I think it's like a dollar a pound for overweight. Yes I think that the standard max is 80,000 for standard over the road trucks however there are plenty of trucks out there running with permits in the 100-120,000 pound range. Look how a 95 scope or any scope for that matter is built, its more comparable to a crane than to your standard Ferrara tower or any other FD ladder. When these rigs are designed they are built or should be built to run at max GVW.

One of the volunteer companies that I belonged to had a Mack CF Aerialscope with a single rear axle.  Every year, we took it to Baker in Richmond VA and had to get an overweight permit to get through the scales on I95.

Why we didn't get a dual rear axle was a question that I never got a straight answer to...  Great truck though!  Those were the days -- tower, three engines, rescue, all Macks. And we had a Mack service shop on the other side of town.
KME was the lowest bidder, followed by Ferrara and then Seagrave.



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On my visit to the FDNY last month I was genuinely surprised that the only Rescue with their normal rig (Ferrara) in service was R4. In fact in the four days we stayed in Manhattan they had two different spare rigs in service, their original 2007 Pierce which the members apparently love, then later they had the Spirit of Oklahoma.
As guys have pointed out, you only have to watch Youtube videos to see the Pierce is still in service at R1.
I heard from a reliable source that FDNY just put the order in to ferrara for  5 new Heavy Rescues, New Haz-Mat and all Haz-Mat second pieces anyone know anything about this?
Five new Ferrara heavy rescues are on order and still pending delivery, all to replace the current  five rescues which are 2011 Ferrara Ultras. Also on actual order from Ferrara is one Haz-Mat, which will replace the current first piece of Haz-Mat Company 1, a 2011 Ferrara Ultra.
y award a bid to the second lowest with a terrible history of poor quality and NOT the lowest with an excellent history of good quality?
Ok I misunderstood I did not realize Ferrara got the contract. But I gotta tell you these new Trucks that are rolling after a year or so they just look beat. I mentioned it earlier my Queens Ladder company I pulled up next to it , and swore it was Years older. The KME Engines seem to do a lot better. Pierce should have been given the Heavy rescue contract and Seagraves the Trucks but .... 
FDNY is being shortchanged by near-sighted bureaucrats that are penny wise and pound foolish.
Agreed.  Rescue 1 Pierce is Old but it's a beast. You want quality and reliability just pay for it.
tperez102 said:
Agreed.  Rescue 1 Pierce is Old but it's a beast. You want quality and reliability just pay for it.
The biggest part of the problem relating to your idea is that Pierce didn't even bid. I so agree that a truck is in service and held up very well and the members loved it but you can't give a contractor somebody that doesn't bid. Pierce doesn't want to put up with all the BS involved in selling equipment to FDNY or else they would bid!

I believe the NYC purchasing procedures require that contracts be given to the lowest bidders unless there is a major reason not to. It certainly would be interested to see what reasoning was given not to take the KME bid. I also wonder how the bidders justified well over $1 million for development costs for the apparatus. Especially Ferrara who already had sold rescues to FDNY so I don't see how they could need that much development costs.
if kme can sell fdny pumpers y cant they build rescues if they r the lowest bidder?
They need to bring back Salisbury to build the Rescues they were the best the bodies of them anyays
fdny747 said:
They need to bring back Salisbury to build the Rescues they were the best the bodies of them anyays
So you want a E-One rescue? Salisbury was bought out by them when they went under.