Historic Church Collapses in New London

Attempt at a rundown:

All on-duty NLFD units (3 engines, 1 truck, 2 ambulances, BC, DC, Chief) plus all off-duty callback, which occurs at a 3rd alarm (68 members including on-duty personnel)

Mutual aid:
Waterford aerial ladder
Groton City TL
Poquonnock Bridge aerial ladder
Old Mystic TL
Submarine Base FD FAST
State of CT USAR
State of CT DEEP

Electric Boat FD (engine company to cover NLFD HQ)
Not sure of additional cover assignments into New London, but likely from Waterford, East Lyme and/or Montville.
Attempt at a rundown:

All on-duty NLFD units (3 engines, 1 truck, 2 ambulances, BC, DC, Chief) plus all off-duty callback, which occurs at a 3rd alarm (68 members including on-duty personnel)

Mutual aid:
Waterford aerial ladder
Groton City TL
Poquonnock Bridge aerial ladder
Old Mystic TL
Submarine Base FD FAST
State of CT USAR
State of CT DEEP

Electric Boat FD (engine company to cover NLFD HQ)
Not sure of additional cover assignments into New London, but likely from Waterford, East Lyme and/or Montville.

THANK YOU "RatPack2" for that rundown.
This was certainly a Major Event which was given National News Coverage.

Thankfully, a miracle that no one was injured or lost their life.
Brothers and Sister for years I have studied Church Fires and Collapses. Take a look around your town or city. What are the oldest buildings in your area? Chances are the oldest is a Church. In addition to being old, and sometimes very old buildings, money is not always available to properly maintain the church. At times well-meaning, but not always people trained and experienced in building Maintenace and renovation, work on the church building in an attempt to save the church some money. Churches are great places to Honor God but, bad places for fires and often structurally unstable even before a fire or other damage to the church building. Take a look at the churches near you and examine possible danger and problems and preplan for what may be a serious dangerous situation in the churches that mean so much to so many. Consider as firefighter offering to be the church "Risk Manager." Captain Bob Rainey FDNY Engine 26 retired
Brothers and Sister for years I have studied Church Fires and Collapses. Take a look around your town or city. What are the oldest buildings in your area? Chances are the oldest is a Church. In addition to being old, and sometimes very old buildings, money is not always available to properly maintain the church. At times well-meaning, but not always people trained and experienced in building Maintenace and renovation, work on the church building in an attempt to save the church some money. Churches are great places to Honor God but, bad places for fires and often structurally unstable even before a fire or other damage to the church building. Take a look at the churches near you and examine possible danger and problems and preplan for what may be a serious dangerous situation in the churches that mean so much to so many. Consider as firefighter offering to be the church "Risk Manager." Captain Bob Rainey FDNY Engine 26 retired

"Captain784", in a follow up news story in the local newspaper, it mentions exactly what you stated here.
The churches DON'T always have the money to properly maintain these buildings.

The mayor of New London, a retired New London Fire Lt., stated that many of these churches can pose a serious danger and he hopes to set up a system where all the churches can be inspected for structural stability.
In that newspaper article he also mentioned other cities and towns should do the same.
Brothers and Sister for years I have studied Church Fires and Collapses. Take a look around your town or city. What are the oldest buildings in your area? Chances are the oldest is a Church. In addition to being old, and sometimes very old buildings, money is not always available to properly maintain the church. At times well-meaning, but not always people trained and experienced in building Maintenace and renovation, work on the church building in an attempt to save the church some money. Churches are great places to Honor God but, bad places for fires and often structurally unstable even before a fire or other damage to the church building. Take a look at the churches near you and examine possible danger and problems and preplan for what may be a serious dangerous situation in the churches that mean so much to so many. Consider as firefighter offering to be the church "Risk Manager." Captain Bob Rainey FDNY Engine 26 retired
Little late, but pretty sure the oldest building in my Town is the Florence Avenue Elementary School, building traces back to late 1890's. With slight renovations every once in a while. Building is a lot bigger then it was back in the day.