"Into The Smoke" by Mike Dick and Retired FDNY Lt Tom Barry has arrived

Jun 22, 2007
Members of NYCFIRE.NET, I am very happy to report to you that the book titled "INTO The Smoke with New York's Bravest" by Our Most Valuable Player, Mike Dick, aka "mikeindabronx", and Retired FDNY Lt Tom Barry has arrived at the Ole' Homestead here in the hills of Connecticut.

The hard cover edition contains a total of twelve chapters with many of Mike's EXCELLENT Photos, along with stories written by Retired Lt Tom Barry in their book of over 200 pages.

This book is certainly a First Class Collectors item for anybody who has any interest in the FDNY.

A Special THANK YOU to Mike and Lt Barry for offering us this book of photos and stories of a very busy and much different time of the GREATEST FIRE DEPARTMENT in the World - the FDNY.

P.S. - I had just gotten off the phone with Mike and I told him I would give a little write up on his new book tomorrow morning (Friday July 23rd).
"Well Mike, you didn't really believe that did you" ? Not with this great news to tell the guys here. "I couldn't wait to tell them".

By the way, another thing.
You know that ole' Pony Express thing they talk about out here at the Ole' Homestead in the back hills of Connecticut. Well my friends, I got my copy of the book even before Mr "Mike inda Bronx" of the Big City, Boro of the Bronx did.
I received my copy on Friday, could not wait and opened it up for a quick glance, I could not put it down. Great book, well done Mike and Lt. Barry!
By the way.
You know that ole' Pony Express thing they talk about out here at the Ole' Homestead in the back hills of Connecticut. Well my friends, I got my copy of the book even before Mr "Mike inda Bronx" of the Big City, Boro of the Bronx did.

I wonder if Mike, "mikeindabronx", got his copy yet ?