Judge orders millions paid in NYC firefighter bias case


Apr 16, 2008
I hope some of these judges need help some time and the only people available are some of the ones that had to be hired because of the judge!  The most qualified should be hired no matter what race they are!
Jun 22, 2007
Somebody said; "Never mind the test". "Let's just give them the job". "Why bother seeing if they can even do the job at this rate".
Nov 29, 2008
As long as I have been in the fire service, I know that firefighting is won by aggressive strategies and not aggresive tactics.  Thats what make the NYC Fire Dept. the greatest department in the world.  Every member on the riding list has a pre-assignment of tools he/she is bringing and where they're going.  To affect these procedures, one needs to be able to read and comprehend those assignments.  So to say that the test was bias because it's asking a person whether they can read or comprehend is preposterous!!!
It's my belief that minorities who have not been given the opportunities to learn reading and comprehension are indeed a fault of society over centuries.  However, that in no way means they're entitled to a job which involves such inherent risk of their own lives, the lives of our brothers, and the lives of civilians we're sworn to protect.  Maybe this judge should look at other entrance exams to other city jobs...everyone is on this earth is here to do a job and i am not here to take away from what anyone does, but you don't need to read and comprehend how to throw garbage in the back of a truck, or how to put a stamp on a piece of mail.  If you want to help people, give them jobs where they cannot hurt themselves or anyone else.  If you cannot read and comprehend, you cannot understand the job and if you cannot do your job as a firefighter...people die!  Thats a fact!  AND i pray this is not the outcome but it is sadly inevidible......
It's sad for the people who actually earned the right to put on such a prestigious uniform and didn't feel they were "entitled" to it.
May 6, 2010
Un-fathomable....how could any sane & serious thinking person  alone a judge  ( well maybe i lost my head  )  even entertain this RACIST bullshit ......the MERIT SYSTEM is in place to prevent something like this from happening !  .....can just anybody w/a gripe circumvent the system that has been in place from day one ?