LT JOHN CLANCY LAD*127...LODD 12-31-95.

May 6, 2010
12-31-95 at 0650 hrs LT. JOHN CLANCY LAD*127 (FF ENG*217 & LAD*103).... was killed when he plunged through a
Fire weakened 1st fl side hallway terrazzo floor into a raging cellar fire at 149-07 97 Av bet 149 & 150 Sts in a South Jamaica Queens Crackhouse............REST IN PEACE JOHN......CONTINUED PRAYERS FOR YOUR FAMILIES.....GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN !
Continued Rest in Peace, Lt. Clancy. Thoughts and prayers for your family at home and on the job.
Continued Rest In Peace John.....Gone But Not Forgotten....12-31-95 at 0650 hrs LT. JOHN CLANCY LAD*127 (FF ENG*217 & LAD*103).... was killed when he plunged through a Fire weakened 1st fl side hallway terrazzo floor into a raging cellar fire at 149-07 97 Av bet 149 & 150 Sts in a South Jamaica Queens Crackhouse......You are certainly NOT FORGOTTEN BROTHER !.... You did what you were supposed to do as the Second Due Truck Officer that day & led your FFs in search of indicated Life .... the odd layout split front to rear not side by side like a railroad flat was unusual placing you on a side entrance terrazzo floor which had undercut floor beams (to allow for the tiles & mud at some point ) which you had to traverse in the side hallway entrance to attain your position above but due to the undercutting previous it failed .... I will always remember it as a day i will NOT FORGET !
May Lieutenant Clancy continue to Rest in Peace. May his families at home and on the job continue to be comforted.
continued rest in peace john
i believe his dad was a deputy chief in the 10th division (@E239)
Johns Dad Ed was a FF in 229 ....a LT & or CPT on Sheffield Ave & a BC in BN*60 / BN*35 & RET as a DC in DV*13 around 1992 & died soon after.....Ed was very smart & was at the top of his Promotion Lists & had Disabled Vets points that he never had to use.....he had been on the old Civil Service list for Chief Of Dept ...a real down to earth guy who never drank the "cool aid".