Mohegan, NY - Working Fire 11/22/14

Sep 15, 2013
12 Apple Drive

Original dispatch for a chimney fire. Command o/s then requested a re-tone for actve chimney fire. Shortly after called in the 10-75.

02:42: 10-75 - Peekskill FAST, Buchanan Cascade, Battalion 17

02:43: Putnam Valley Engine, Yorktown Ladder relocate to Mohegan HQ for cover

02:56: Montrose TL-8 relocate to Mohegan, Yorktown unable to cover

03:27: Putnam Valley Engine & Montrose TL-8 out at relocation at Mohegan HQ

03:29: Battalion 17 - Con Ed o/s

03:38: Battalion 17 - U/C, releasing FAST