
Mack is correct. Not only is it insensitive to all who were affected by the 9/11 attacks to build a mosque in close proximity to 'Ground Zero', but the 'Imam' who is spearheading the call to build the mosque at that site has radical ties to terrorists. This is not as some posters suggest 'a place of worship for peaceful Muslims', it's a symbol of victory for evil Muslims who hate Americans and our way of life. As I mentioned in an earlier post, my wife works with a medical professional who is Muslim. He agreed with her that we should be against it as it is not representative of peaceful Muslims. Many peaceful Muslims have spoken out against the Mosque at Ground Zero.

Check out these two links for some interesting additional info regarding this issue:

raybrag said:
I'm fortunate in that I didn't lose anyone close to me on 9/11, and so I won't pretend to understand the feelings and anguish of those who did . . . including those who lost buddies, friends, or relatives who were included in the 343........................................ As a result, I can understand the strong feelings that people can have about issues like this, and I don't fault anyone for expressing them.  
I don't think that you truly believe your own words above...........If you did, then you wouldn't even be commenting on this topic!    Like you said, you didn't lose anyone that you knew, and you were not there that day.   I did, and I was...........and if I happen to have some strong feelings on the subject, along with all my other BROTHERS who were there that day, and have died since of WTC related injuries, then excuse us!    It was an act of WAR, you obviously know what that is.......It wasn't Christians who killed 3,000 people that beautiful tuesday morning, it was radical muslims..........
As I said, I don't fault anyone for expressing their feelings.  How is that not believing what I said? I stand by my statements. I also respect your right to disagree with me.  If that offends you, I'm sorry, but I won't retract or change them. We'll just have to agree to disagree.
WOW, Both Bob and RAY make EXCELLENT points. Bob I was there on that horrible day and my Partner (Mark Schwartz) was Killed. I lost some very close friends and a cousin that was on the Job, from Haz-Mat 1( Marty DeMeo), I can relate and have VERY personal feelings also. Now I do not know what side of the fence I am on, after reading Ray's agreed with him and now your's BOB, also with you. I, I moved out of NYC in 07 so I am not well versed on how NY'ers feel about it,
Bob, you did bring up some hidden emotions I held on to a long time. I HATE even talking about that Tuesday as I am sure we all do.. Almost wish was not on shift that night and just a observer, Will D and I have talked about this. Mostly on how EMS was forgotten about, another story.
  I am SORRY that we all lost friends and family member's, FDNY lost generations that will never be able to be replaced. Our young boys are over Seas fighting to rid the radicals. I was raised Roman Catholic and taught to be open to other religions but you are all RIGHT they are radicals, I think a lot of them are just waiting again. They were burning the American Flag in other countries while we were all crying--ANIMALS.
  They hit a civilian target 100%, those people that went to work that day, had no choice/chance but to Die. I have no idea what I am even trying to say, most likely nothing, this is just my way of dealing with it, all those damn counselors were a freaking JOKE!!! Thanks OMA.
Brother's most importantly --- THANK YOU at all of us for allowing us to have different views and voice our feelings and hopefully if anything at all maybe just to have other people that were there and can express some of the same Pent up feelings that I have and can't go away. Just hide them very well and deny to most People that was even involved. Hate all the stupid questions that the general public ask or even some FF's that were not there ask me (Out of State one's).
Again no clue what my point was/is, thank you Bob.

bklyndisp54 said:
rdm258 said:
...if we lock this one topic out, where do we draw the line as to other topic's being locked out that might offend other's...

Maybe I can suggest where the line is.  When you have one guy suggesting that the mosque be populated and then "nuked" and someone else offering that some folks should be placed on a boat which is then sunk...then we are over the line.

This is making the whole board... which is otherwise held in high regard...look bad. 

And never mind how arguments go it the firehouse.  That's a closed community.  This is a public forum.

Let's get real.

Some people might say flying 4 planes into buildings is a little over the line and looks bad.  Next time they decide to take out a few thousand Americans maybe you could " volunteer " to take the place of the people that want to live.  Are you willing to "volunteer" to be murdered?
Yes, I have talk to Rob about his involvement on 9/11. What he failed to mention is that he also was injured. Burns to his back with pieces of wood, glass, concrete embedded in his back. A head injury, and he saw his EMS partner die when he was hit from a jumper.
  Anybody who wasn't there, or lost family and friends probadly can't really relate. Like most of us, I watched it on TV as it happened. Of course in total shock. I knew some of the FDNY members that were lost. They really were "The Best". But along with the Best were Police Officers, Secretaries, Janitors, Office workers, and EMS workers, including Rob's EMS partner. Each one with families and friends who still feel the pain of their loss.
  And what about those that were injuried or who have suffered with WTC cough and breathing problems. I saw the effects of those breathing problems about a year later while attending a show. I have a fire dept tatoo on my arm. A guy came up to me and said he was on the job in FDNY's Ladder 15. This guy looked in great shape, maybe about 30 years old. But he told me he had to get off the job because of his breathing problem. Of course we hit it off great talking. When the theater doors opened, I watched him struggle to climb "FOUR STEPS". At the top he had to rest and catch his breath. I thought about how this guy used to run up those several flights of stairs in full gear carrying the Truckie tools.
  As Rob said, no counselor, or anybody who wasn't directly related to this really can't understand. He lost his partner that day. He was injuried that day. He's lucky to be alive himself. it was Americas Worst Day. Some are still paying a very steep price. But the good news is that there were alot of heros that day. Fire, Police, EMS Workers, and even civilians.
And those last few posts of news stories are examples of how terrorists want people to react and utilize as propaganda. Internal strife,mayhem and hatred plays into their game. These extremist swine are not common criminals nor soldiers by any stretch of the imagination.