The amount of work done by E82 and L31 is absolutely amazing. I
ncredibly, the squad companies during that period also did a staggering amount of runs. WNYF lists Sq 4 (15th Div) at 9694 runs for 1970. Squad 3 (11th Div) had 9278 runs. Squad 1 (5th Div) responded 7892 times. In 1971, Squad 4 responded 9795 times. Squad 1 had 7841 runs and Squad 3 had 7550 runs. That's over 19,000 runs for Squad 4 in only 2 years. The squads were not special operations units back then but operated as manpower units.
Battalion chiefs also did a great amount of running before they created 2nd sections and then new battalions. On the Bn44 webpage ( ), there is a highlight about the amount of runs the battalion stacked up - over 10, 000 in 1971. "The Bn44 aide Seymour Schenker reported over the Department Radio, 'The 44th Battalion has just completed its 10,000th run' to which the dispatcher replied 'Congratulations Bn44, now take in number 10, 0001.' "
By the way, Ladder 120 notes that they responded 10,989 times in 1971 on their web site but WNYF lists them as the busiest ladder company that year with 8013 runs.