New Boston firehouse book

Jun 27, 2007
I just purchased a very interesting book on Boston's firehouses. I purchased it from FSP Books ( and the book is entitled Returning to Quarters, a history of Boston firehouses. (BR7280). This book covers every firehouses that ever was around in Boston. This is a well-researched book and I recommend it to anyone interested in the Boston Fire Dept. The cost is 22.95 with 7.00 s/h. Delivery was within 2days of order. :)

grumpy grizzly said:
I just purchased a very interesting book on Boston's firehouses. I purchased it from FSP Books ( and the book is entitled Returning to Quarters, a history of Boston firehouses. (BR7280). This book covers every firehouses that ever was around in Boston. This is a well-researched book and I recommend it to anyone interested in the Boston Fire Dept. The cost is 22.95 with 7.00 s/h. Delivery was within 2days of order. :)

Does anyone know if there is a similar book on FDNY firehouses?
I seem to reember that FSP did have a book on FDNY firehouses several years ago. I do not remember the title or the author but when I tried to order it I was told it was no longer available. The cost was around 80 bucks.I did a search on at the same time and there was a copy for 300.00. I hope this helps :'(
grumpy grizzly said:
I seem to reember that FSP did have a book on FDNY firehouses several years ago. I do not remember the title or the author but when I tried to order it I was told it was no longer available. The cost was around 80 bucks.I did a search on at the same time and there was a copy for 300.00. I hope this helps :'(

Thanks Grumpy!
Does anyone know id there is a similar book on FDNY firehouses?

Ron Bartash, ex-FDNY, wrote 2 books on FDNY firehouses. One was on Brooklyn, the second on Mahattan houses. They were softbound, 50-60 pages, color photos and addresses of each house, plus apparatus shots. I have both; they are excellent.
Hey Grumpy i'm going on your advise i just bought the book from Amazon.  I will update when i've had a good look.  Thanks again and keep them coming.

Do you know if the Brooklyn book is still available and where can it be purchased?

Grumpy's got it right.  This book is great.  Loads of info on the Boston Firehouses and some great pictures of the old houses.  1 of the best books ive bought. 

Thanks again Grumpy
M T Publishing has a new book on FDNY's firehouses coming out in "late summer" . Check it out at
Their books are kind of pricey but well worth it. They published "the last alarm",a great book and highly recommended.
My wife checked with MT publishing. Delivery date is late summer of 2011. I did a search on Amazon and was able to have them tell me when it will be available. When I am told, you will be told.
grumpy grizzly said:
My wife checked with MT publishing. Delivery date is late summer of 2011. I did a search on Amazon and was able to have them tell me when it will be available. When I am told, you will be told.

I had ordered this book a long time ago A Photographic Journey through the Firehouses of the FDNY and it was delivered to MT Publishing for delivery to those that ordered it, but there was a problem with the printing so the book was not released and sent back to the printer. The Boston book is excellent and I used it as a guide to take some of the pictures of the Boston firehouse's that are on my web site. My other guide was a ret. Boston Fire Lt. He was a wealth of Boston knowledge.
Having grown up in Boston it was nice to see this site. I have the book "Returning to Quarters" but this site made the pixs seem more realistic. I grow up in Roxbury behind E-12's house and my uncle was assigned to Ladder 4. L-4 pix  (51-71) is off their older house before they got the new old house (Dudley st) before they moved into their new house XE-12, E-14, L-4 XSSU-13 (Chief Special Services) Again thanx for the site info.
Here are some BFD sites:

Boston Historical Association - BFD firehouses (past/present), fires, apparatus etc:

Mass Metro Fire - Boston area departments firehouses and apparatus:

Cape Cod Fire - Boston and other US department firehouses:

Emba's Fire page - BFD statistics/organization charts/locations:

Boston Fire Museum:

BFD Local 718 Photo Gallery:

BFD 1930s:

BFD Firefighters:
Last edited:
There is also a link on the EMBA to monitor live BFD raio traffic, incluing dispatching of apparatus, striking boxes, etc. NJOY
MACK posted several sites about Boston. To me the most interesting site is from the Historical Society, there is a wealth of photos and info. Again, thanx to MACK :)