North Lindenhurst NY (Suffolk) Working Fire 4/15/23

Apr 1, 2007
In the early morning hours of Saturday, April 15th, the North Lindenhurst Fire Dept. was dispatched to a report of a house fire with people trapped. As fire units were on the way they were advised by dispatch that multiple calls were being received reporting the fire and that Suffolk County Police were on scene also confirming the fire and entrapment of occupants. Moments later a working fire was transmitted, and mutual aid requested for heavy fire on the number one side of a two-story private dwelling with extension into the attic and through the roof. Firefighters went on to put at least two hand lines into operation and had the main body of fire quickly knocked down. The first-floor tenant was able to self-evacuate while tenants from the second floor were rescued by a ladder that SCPD officers had found in the yard. All searches were negative, there were no reported injuries, and the cause of the fire is under investigation. North Lindenhurst Chief of Dept. Stallone [1-11-30] had command of the incident. Text courtesy K2M Photography.
