Norwich, Ct 3rd Alarm House Fire 11/5/24

Thank you Signal 73.

Three families were displaced from this fire Tuesday night 11/5/24 at 7:30 pm located at 31 Ninth St.

On the initial alarm responding units were:
Battalion 1, Engine 2, Squad A, Engine 3
Truck 1.

Fire dispatch reported receiving additional calls of a house fire in that area.
Engine 2 arrived and reported heavy fire coming from the second floor.

7:44 pm Battalion 1 reported two lines stretched and operating, Truck 1 opening up requesting a 2nd alarm
On the 2nd Alarm units responding were:
Taftville Ladder 25, Yantic Engine 33, and East Great Plains Rescue 5
Also Mohegan Sun Tribal FD FAST Co.

7:48 pm Battalion 1, "B/C Pat Curtin" (a former FDNY Firefighter E294 ?) transmitted a 3rd alarm.
3rd Alarm assignment:
Taftville Engine 22, East Great Plains Engine 52 and Ladder 55.
Occum Engine 41 and Laurel Hill Engine 62

Battalion 1 reported three lines stretched and operating.
Trucks opening up
Norwich Truck 1 roof operations.

7:39 - Car 10 Norwich Training/Safety Officer and Fire Marshall Q-136 responded to scene
7:47 - Additional Fire Marshall - Q-134 responding.

8:20 pm - Battalion 1 reports checking for hot spots, probably will hold.
8:28 pm - Battalion 1 places this fire under control