I can't believe that this slipped my mind ... nine years ago yesterday, 266 people were killed as a result of an airliner crash in the Rockaways. I remember pulling the rig out of quarters, switching to the Queens frequency and immediately hearing an engine company notifying the dispatcher that he had a "second plane down into a gas station". We thought we were responding to another terrorist attack. The "second plane" turned out to be a secondary fire that I believe was started by an engine from the plane that came down. Howie Carlson (R.I.P.) was the first due B.C. and Chief Hayden responded from home to provide initial assistance running the incident. This would have been the most serious incident with the largest loss of life that I responded to in my career with F.D.N.Y., but it was dwarfed by the events of 9/11. May those who were killed that day rest in peace...