SEPT 3rd meeting - DIFFERENT ZOOM MEETING ROOM - Guest Speaker - WILLY D (aka NFD2004)


Staff member
Apr 24, 2007
WHEN: TUES EVENING, 3 September, 2024 at 1930 HRS, Eastern Time.

WHERE: On Zoom. For information - E-mail:

SPEAKER: William Dennis, Retired Norwich, CT., Fire Captain (ret) aka WILLY, Uncle Willy, besides NFD2004 will be telling his story.

SUBJECT: A view from a professional firefighter turned buff during the war years.

For many years Willy on his days off from being a firefighter & later as an officer, would travel down to NYC and watch FDNY in action. He returned to his Conn department bring back many of the tricks that he witnessed being performed by FDNY units. Helping to making the job safer and easier for his co-workers.

Willy started his love affair at a very early age when his father, a firefighter in Bridgeport, took his young four-year son to the firehouse to pick up his paycheck. Willy was able to con the guys on duty to let his explore the rig. “The guys would let me sit on the truck, put on a helmet, and then we would go into the kitchen where the guys would buy me a soda and let me sit at the table with them” commented Willy.

Come and join us on this Tues evening and hear the story directly from Willy as only Willy can tell it.

Assisting him will be Gary Greenbaum who will be providing some background photos and additional information.

The change of the Zoom Meeting Room is for this meeting only.

Monthly Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month. Changes are printed in RED and will be normally announced in advance. Meeting dates for the remainder of 2024 will occur on:

  • 01 Oct
  • 12 NOV
  • 03 Dec
Please reserve the dates in your 2024 Calendar.