NYPD 1970s

Man. i remember those old Black & Green R.M.P.'s ! Those, were some Ugly Cop-Cars !  ;)
You're right, Staj . . . nothing prettier than black, green and white together(yecch).  What was even worse was the stupid rectangular sign saying "Police" on the roof . . . which they would light up when on a call.  Can you imagine today's traffic giving way to a lighted "police" sign? ::) ::)


They didn't give that up until '56 or '57, when the red bubble gum machines arrived:


But I guess it (the "police light") was better than what they used before that . . . NOTHING:



raybrag said:
You're right, Staj . . . nothing prettier than black, green and white together(yecch).  What was even worse was the stupid rectangular sign saying "Police" on the roof . . . which they would light up when on a call.  Can you imagine today's traffic giving way to a lighted "police" sign? ::) ::)


They didn't give that up until '56 or '57, when the red bubble gum machines arrived:


But I guess it (the "police light") was better than what they used before that . . . NOTHING:


And they're all two door sedans.
fdce54 said:
And they're all two door sedans.

That's right, 54.  If you needed to transport a perp, you called for the paddy wagon.  Made for cleaner back seats (if you had one). ;) ;)
The NYPD black green & white colors were changed to light blue & white supposedly to present a more soothing & less agressive apearance when rolling up to a situation...this was the work of Brian Mulhern a Detective who was a Police Commissioners executive assistant during the Koch years....he also was an avid Fire Buff who wore a trademark crumpled hat & a suit & trench coat & several radios...he had a tremendous amount of power in NYC....i remember one time at a Fire a FF was injured & no ambulance was available ....he stopped a nearby City Bus... ID ed himself to the driver ordered all the passengers off & had the FF put on & taken to the hosp on the City Bus.       
And they went to the present day white and blue in the mid 90's to also present the more soothing image, and because the cops got tired of being confused for Con Ed.
68jk09 said:
The NYPD black green & white colors were changed to light blue & white supposedly to present a more soothing & less agressive apearance when rolling up to a situation...this was the work of Brian Mulhern a Detective who was a Police Commissioners executive assistant during the Koch years....he also was an avid Fire Buff who wore a trademark crumpled hat & a suit & trench coat & several radios...he had a tremendous amount of power in NYC....i remember one time at a Fire a FF was injured & no ambulance was available ....he stopped a nearby City Bus... ID ed himself to the driver ordered all the passengers off & had the FF put on & taken to the hosp on the City Bus.     
  Yes, white over light blue began with the 1973 Plymouth Fury.
FDNY150 said:
And they went to the present day white and blue in the mid 90's to also present the more soothing image, and because the cops got tired of being confused for Con Ed.
Con Ed went to the present white and blue first. The vehicle manufacturers started charging almost $2000.00 more per vehicle for the dual blue and gray paint scheme so basic no extra charge white was chosen and then the blue graphics applied when delivered. I think that was also why the PD bought basic white.
the 1973 Fury 1 and the 1974 Satellites were the only RMP with 8 cyl engines on street patrol in my NYPD days. I believe they were 6 cyl engines before and after 1973 and 1974. I also heard one of the reasons to change colors was the Federal Gov't wanted all police cars nation wide to be some variant of blue and white and paid 1/2 the price of each car. The 1973 were the first to have A/C each Pct got 2 A/C in 1973 and 2 A/C equipped RMP's in 1974. The rest of the 1973 and 1974 were without A/C