HELP A VET....Subject: Helping Our Heroes From Captain Woody {Fowarded from Danny Prince}
Friends, We need your help Fire Fighters !Assisting Armed Forces
Families and Truckin'4 Troops are teaming up and we are building a
great warrior retreat for wounded veterans, firefighters, police and
public safety. If you would get involved by giving and talking with
your friends and businesses in your area. The property is between Ft.
Bragg and Camp LeJune, Attached is a flyer of the property and a
great raffle we are offering now. So many warriors need our help and
are coming back to this area. I truly believe that God has opened a big
door of opportunity for us to offer a great service to these well
deserving heroes. Please get involved and help! Everyone can either go
on line and give or get tickets for the raffle.
This isn't just any raffle. A great American Patriot has donated the "
Patriot Raptor Ford Truck" for this cause. This truck has everything
and is beautiful. It has been hand painted with an all American theme!
If you are in the North Carolina, Virginia and South Carolina area and
want physical tickets I can get them to you. Thank you all in advance
and God bless you!
We are a 501-c-3 and your donations are tax deductible! Woody
P.O. Box 19062
Raleigh, N.C. 27619
John A.Woodall