Pictures of Fire Boats

Jun 2, 2010
Does anyone know what issue of WNYF has the pictures of the Marine Division. I know it is the late '50 or'60.  I am looking for pictures of the Flame  (quartered with Engine 329 and Ladder 171.)  The Blaze and the James Hackett (quartered with Engine 331 and Ladder 173.)
H&L 147 -
What's New - Eng 331/L 173 firehouse - 4th Issue 1966:

What's New - Hackett - 4th Issue 1970:

Marine Division 1972 - 3rd Issue 1972:

Also another older Marine Division article - 3rd issue 1963:

Found another picture of the Flame going into service - 2nd issue 1963:

Note -  Click second time on pictures to view.

The Smith is still around, used as a spare. The Harvey is privately owned. Smoke II was sunk off of New Jersey I think, not too long ago. I presume the rest were disposed of, or sunk for artificial reefs.
Please disregard reference to link # 8 mentioned below...this had to do with another site......although not a boat ....(unless you were driving it in the city) ....the picture of the Carryall in reply # 1 above of THIS  thread posted by MACK is a picture i had been looking for since discussing old stuff on "fdnyforgotten'.........this was my post there after someone posted a list of rigs by year & manufacturer only....... QUOTE...On the link with reply # 8 above.........i believe that the '66 Chevy & '68 GMC listed were Suburban Carryall type vehicles stretched out like Connecticut Limousine used.......the '66 Chevy was Community relations   & the '68 GMC was SQUAD* 3 s ........i remember SQUAD*3 pulling up to boxes with plates in their lap trying to finish dinner.......a friend of mine who i later worked with in R*2 had been a Chauf. in SQ*3 night he was driving the Carryall in a snowstorn he rounded a corner he suddenly hit a compacted snow bank with 1 front tire & the steering wheel broke off in his hand......i am surprised that since at the time they had this rig( they almost hit 10,000 runs a year ) that nobody was seriously hurt packing an Officer & 5 Men ....all their gear ,tools & masks into this vehicle.......there was one picture of the Comm Relations one in a "whats new " article in WNYF around '68........does anyone have a shots of these unique to FDNY vehicles ? ..ENDQUOTE.........also in the WNYF pages THIS thread is a photo of the SQUIRTS originally assigned to ENG*310 & ENG*71......interesting.......MACK...can the Carryall & SQUIRT articles be enlarged on here?
(can the Carryall & SQUIRT articles be enlarged on here?) chief double click on the picture and it will enlarge.

Chief - Here is article from 1970 WNYF about the squads:

Note - click on picture second time to view
MACK..... Thank You the story in the most recent article you posted though ..the Carryall (stretch Suburban) mentioned as SQ*3 s at the time is the same as the Community Relations '66 Carryall at the top of your reply # 1 above......since nobody seems to have a shot of SQ* 3 s ' there a way to enlarge the Comm. Rel. '66 larger than it gets when you click on it ?......someone told me that Jack Calderones  book on SQs may have a shot of SQ*3 s '68 but i havent seen a copy yet....anyone ? was a unique size rig to roll around with a whole company inside.
Thank you "Mack" for these postings. I think for anybody interested, you can now get many WNYFs on a disk form. As I understand it, they go back pretty far. I have all of the WNYFs from the Third Issue 1968. My first one was a gift given to me by the Late Lt Richard Hamilton of Rescue 2. My problem is that they are also mixed in with Firehouse Magazine, Fire Enginerning, Fire Appartus Journal etc.
  I'm hoping that Santa Clause brings me that WNYF on a disk. But I have to behave myself. No partying with those Topless Bronx dancing girls next week when the Member Meeting takes place (Oct 19-21,...2010).
Jack, has a list of apparatus photos going back to the fifties and the squad 3 apparatus that you are talking about is in that list. 
the wnyf in disk form is available now from the FDNY Fire Zone.the DVD includes all issues of WNYF since its inception in 1940, through and including the 4th/2009 issue 149.00 if you are a non subscriber and a 125.00 if you is on my x-mas list for myself but i am still hunting down and buying every original printed issue i can is a link to their ebay store if anyone is interested.
nfd2004 said:
Thank you "Mack" for these postings. I think for anybody interested, you can now get many WNYFs on a disk form. As I understand it, they go back pretty far. I have all of the WNYFs from the Third Issue 1968. My first one was a gift given to me by the Late Lt Richard Hamilton of Rescue 2. My problem is that they are also mixed in with Firehouse Magazine, Fire Enginerning, Fire Appartus Journal etc.
  I'm hoping that Santa Clause brings me that WNYF on a disk. But I have to behave myself. No partying with those Topless Bronx dancing girls next week when the Member Meeting takes place (Oct 19-21,...2010).
68jk09 said:
someone told me that Jack Calderones  book on SQs may have a shot of SQ*3 s '68 but i havent seen a copy yet....anyone ? was a unique size rig to roll around with a whole company inside.

There is a a full page color photo in the Squad book of the rig lettered for Squad 3.  In his Wheels of the Bravest it says that two of these were delivered in 1966, one to CANS, the other to Squad 3.
Here is the CANS (Community And News Service) rig as it apeared in WNYF 1966/4.  There was no photo of the Squad 3 rig in WNYF between 1966-68.

(Mack: how do you attach photos that enlarge on clicking?  I am getting my attached (img) file after uploading to photobucket)

There was no photo of SQ*3 s '68 in any WNYF.......the only photo  i heard of is supposed to be in J. Calderones book but i have not seen it.
According to Calderone Squad 5 was assigned a Chevrolet Stageway Coach stretched limo was purchased and assigned to Squad 3 in 1966. There is a pix on page 29 from Calderone's Squad company apparatus book ;D
From an FDNY publication about the Marine Division (1960's) Flame is lower left, in service date of 1/27/63Mack7.jpeg