Pilot's Description of F-18 Friendly Fire Shoot Down From USS Gettysburg

Jun 27, 2017
From the ever reliable Ward Carroll's podcast:

An AI generated text from the pilot (call-sign Jive) of the F-18 Super Hornet that was shot down by the Gettysburg in the Red Sea.

His Weapon Systems Officer (WSO) aka GIB (guy in back) is call-sign Blunder. Whole lot of Naval Aviation jargon, and a couple of bad words.

At least he kept his sense of humor.

What in the wild wild world of sports was that? We didn't communicate like that 20+ years ago.
AI still sucks.
To clarify, AI was used for the voice only to keep the pilot anonymous.

For anyone interested, this is the Mooches' expanded podcast on the incident.

Id imagine there were quite a few folks on the Gettysburg, the E-2 and in the Carrier CIC who woke up the next day with freshly roto rootered bungholes and brand new ranks and plenty to think about until the Cod arrived to take them shoreside