Ponder this....

Aug 29, 2008
As you all know brand names and logos that have been in use for decades, years and maybe more are being removed as they are deemed disparaging. Certain words are facing the same demise. The most recent one is "Master" as in "Master Suite, Master Bath, "Gravy Master" and so on. My question is, how is the automotive industry going to rename a brake component called the "Master Cylinder" and a clutch component called the "Slave Cylinder?" I'm sure the astute members of this site will have a bevy of ideas in a short time. Looking forward to reading them and I wish all of you the best as always!
Since there are 4 wheel cylinders 1 has to be the master to them all. The master tells them when to work.
For my part, I think it's disgraceful that the term "manhole" wasn't renamed as "personhole" decades ago. And why do FDNY and Con Ed continue to refer to "manhole fires" in this enlightened age? Why has the Master Lock Company not yet been forced to join the New Age? Why have all books and mentions of Robert Moses, the "Master Builder", not yet been purged from our libraries and cultural memory?

I thought about complaining about a certain higher job title of baiters on fishing boats, but I won't go there.

Why haven't Gloria Steinem and others forced our reactionary politicians to correct these egregious wrongs? They've had more than enough time!

Revolt, I say! Man the barricades!...Ooops!