Possible Battalion Chief Incident Assignments?

I believe after 9/11 procedures were made for surrounding depts to fill FDNY houses. I heard Chief Salka speak on it once, things like rigs staffing etc.

I think they also made it a thing for border companies to have the close mutual aid depts included in MUD
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I'm sure the department has something that they created, especially following 9/11.

As for the mutual aid, I believe nothing has ever been put into place, but im sure that if the Department asked for Outside Companies to fill firehouses, they would.
don't be so sure.....
I'm sure the department has something that they created, especially following 9/11.

As for the mutual aid, I believe nothing has ever been put into place, but im sure that if the Department asked for Outside Companies to fill firehouses, they would.
The FDNY has a mutual aid plan for the surrounding counties. A number of the career/combo departments from Westchester County used to participate in an annual drill at The Rock. I believe LI and NJ counties held similar drills over the years.
Whats the difference between the RLO and the TAL?
Might not be 100% on this but

RLO = Rail Liaison Officer that is for Long Island Rail Road, NJ Transit, and the Hudson River Line

TLO Transit Liaison Officer that is for the MTA That’s all subways in Amtrak on 54 Street. Staffed by 1 Battalion Chief for 24 hours
So is the TLO a “in the field” BC who spends his tour at the rail office and his battalion is then covered by surrounding BCs?