It was a long night here in Arkansas. Lotta little VFDs similar to mine had their personal, 'Big Ones'.
There is good news coming out of all of this, latest reports here in Kentucky say that the candle factory in Mayfield Kentucky is that out of the 101 people in the candle factory 93 survived, a much higher number than was originally anticipated.
From the FDNY Facebook page:

NYC Emergency Management

At the request of FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency, Urban Search and Rescue - New York Task Force 1 has deployed members to support search and rescue operations in Kentucky. This deployment includes 2 specially trained NYPD and New York City Fire Department (FDNY) personnel.
New York Task Force 1 is sponsored by NYC Emergency Management and includes personnel from New York City Fire Department (FDNY) and NYPD. New York Task Force 1 is committed to supporting the communities affected by this disaster and the hardworking responders at the scene.
Massachusetts FEMA Task Force 1 has been dispatched as well to Kentucky to assist in search and rescue operations. Godspeed.