rescues response areas

Good question! That area always confuses me. For that matter, where are the divisional response lines for Divisions 8, 11, 15? 🤔
I dont have the 'lines' (Streets) But I have the battalion lists.

B11: R1/R3 Sq18/Sq41 Shares
B12: R3/R1 Shares
B13: R3 Sq41
B16: R3 Sq41
B45: R4 Sq288

Battalions 03,14,17,26 and part of B13(BX) are SQ41
Battalions 15,18,19,20,27 and part of B13(BX) are SQ61

Staten Italy:
All battalions R5 and Sq8

B28: R2/R4
B33: R2/R5
B39: R2/R4
B40: R2/R5
B42: R5/R2
B43: R5/R2

B57: Sq252/Sq1
B58: Sq252/Sq1

Battalions 31,32,35,37,38,39,41,44,48,57,58 are Rescue 2
Battalions 28,35,37,,44 are Squad 252
Battalions 31,32,33,40,41,42,43,48 are Squad 1
Battalion 45 (BK) is Squad 288
Battalions 38,39,57,58 are split between Sq252,270 and Sq1.

All Battalions are R4 (B28 & B38 QN included)
B45,46,49,52,B28(QN) are SQ288
B47,50,51,54 are SQ270
B53 shares SQ270 & SQ288

Information could be outdated, as of a couple years ago
i have the individual list for squads i can do at some point i am just wondering what is the exact lines between rescue 2 and 5 and the lines between 8 , 11 ,and 15, divisions and 13 ,and 14 divisions
squads area is done by engines 1st due areas .squad 18 covers from the batter till and including engine 44 1st due area on the east side of central park on the west side thru engine 74 first due area squad covers Manhattan from e22 first due area on the east side , on the west side it covers from engine 76s area north till the top of the boro , in the bronx SQ41 covers engines 41,42,43,46,50,53,60,68,71,73,82,83,92,93,and 94. squad 61 covers engines 38 45 48 52 61 62 63 64 66 70 72 75 79 81 88 89 90 96 and 97s area squad 8 covers Staten island squad 1 covers 201,202,205,207 210,219,220,224,,226,228,235,239,240,241,242,243,245,246,247,248,249,250,253,254,255,276,279,280,281,282,284,309,318,321,330 squad 252 covers 206,211,214,216,217,218,221,222,225,227,229,230,231,233,234,235,236,237,238,252,257,271,277,283,290,310,323,332 and the queens responses of engines 252,271,277,286. squad 270 covers 251,264,265,266,268,270,275,285,293,294,298,301,302,303,304,308,311,314,317,328,329,331 queens responses of engines 225 and 236 . squad 288 covers 258,259,260,262,264,273,274,287,288,289,291,292,295,297,299,305,306,307,312,313,315,316,319,320,324,325,326 queens responses of engine 206, Manhattan responses of engine 260
Squad 1 does still go to SI when Sq8 is assigned as an Engine
They also do go to Manhattan when Sq18 is assigned as an Engine
Squad 1 does still go to SI when Sq8 is assigned as an Engine
They also do go to Manhattan when Sq18 is assigned as an Engine
Also Squad 288 is assigned when SQ18 is unavailable somewhere from 23rd to 66th, SQ41 everything north when SQ18 unavailable
65th Street across to around McDonald Ave down to Belt Parkway west of Ocean Parkway....253's area around Coney Island rail yard.....roughly.....
R1 goes up to 125 on the west side and 116th on the east side. If I’m not mistaken.