Runs & Workers 2011

fdnyrules92 said:
Yea thats what this job is now EMS... i know 92 engine does alot of EMS

  Yes, I understand what you are saying there "fdnyrules92". Not only Engine 92, which by the way is still one of my favorites, but just about every single fire company in the country today. It's not the excitement of stretching that first line or up to the roof with the hook and saw. But how many people are alive today because of the action taken by fire companies like FDNYs Engine 92 working side by side with the FDNY EMS.

  I have a retired firefighter friend who I worked with for many years. Him and I just wanted to go to fires. We did our EMS thing because we had to. But we really just wanted to fight fires. And he sure was a Great firefighter when the time finally came.

  After a few years of retirement, he had a heart attack and went into cardic arrest. He stopped breathing, and as his wife watched, she thought it was over for him. The firefighters and Medics went to work on him. He was put into an induced comma for two days. He had major surgury done and my good friend is alive and well now. If it wasn't for those firefighters and the medics, he wouldn't have gotten that second chance. The guy that really just wanted to go to fires, went to the firehouse to thank those firefighters. He told those firefighters how he used to feel about going to medical calls. And he also told them that he was glad that they were there for his medical call.