Staten island Squad

Jul 22, 2008
im sure its been brought up hundreds of times but how come there isn't one out there??  Wouldn't it be wise to take a current engine company and convert them into one, i mean how much more would it cost the personnel are there are ready and just refurb  the chosen engine company rig into a squad.
There's more to it than suggested.  The company would have to be reassigned to SOC.  Personnel selection becomes a major factor.  Funding issues are significant:  training time  is extensive;  acquisition of a rescue pumper (none are on order) as well as a second piece utility truck would be required;  additional salary would have to be budgeted to reflect the 12% differential for squad assignments -- all at a time when the Department has severe budget limitations.  Alarm assignments would have to be adjusted to reflect the reduction of an engine because of the limited engine-type responses of squads.  Other issues that complicate such a proposal include realignment of administrative duties and districts.  There are additional factors, but those mentioned can give you an idea of what would have to be considered for starters.
All the squads, except Squad 1, have normal engine responses, 1st , 2nd & 3rd due boxes so response cards would not have to change.
Don't forget that squads are not assigned as engines beyond third-due (first-due for Squad 1) on the box.  Starfire would have to be reprogrammed for all boxes above third-due.
Because the were the first one organized; they replaced the disbanded Engine 269 and the people in the neighborhood wanted someone for coverage in their first due area.
probably not it would be 165 because they are already in soc but there are still major factors that u have to remember they are very close to rescue 5 so they might have to be relocated
  No Squad is housed with another engine or ladder co. so it would have to be a single engine with enough room in firehouse for a Hazmat van and tool storage. E168 fits the bill but my pick is E154 because they have access to Victory Blvd., West Shore Expwy., Richmond Ave. and the S.I. Expwy. Less than a mile west is Oceanic H & L volunteers firehouse so coverage is there. ;)
mercurygrandmarquis1 said:
if they were going to make a squad on si what engine would it be?

To me, it would make the most sense to convert E-160 into a squad, since the other side of the house is already SOC and second pieces are sitting across the street. Given they're one of the northern-most mid-island engines, they still have easy access to the SI Expressway, the north shore, Hyland Blvd, Richmond Rd. and the Verrazano if they're sent to Brooklyn. If you take into consideration that it seems as if Battalion 21 and Battalion 22 are busier than Battalion 23, E-160 is centralized better in that respect. Who cares if all the other squads were single engine companies converted to SOC. A radical idea is to convert Richmond Engine as a squad in the response matrix and let them handle SOC on Staten Island.
Stop & think, does FDNY want to empty a fire house by taking both E-160 & Rescue 5 each time there is a working fire. On the other side of the coin, if there are cut backs, it would be a help to get E-161 taken off the list. Years back there was talk of making either E-152, 242, or even 253 into a Squad. Since then E-250 was made into a Haz-Tech company & so was E-165 in SI. So its up to HQ. to make that decision.

Also, Squad 1 now should also have 2nd & 3rd due boxes for over a year now.
Atlas said:
Stop & think, does FDNY want to empty a fire house by taking both E-160 & Rescue 5 each time there is a working fire. On the other side of the coin, if there are cut backs, it would be a help to get E-161 taken off the list. Years back there was talk of making either E-152, 242, or even 253 into a Squad. Since then E-250 was made into a Haz-Tech company & so was E-165 in SI. So its up to HQ. to make that decision.

Also, Squad 1 now should also have 2nd & 3rd due boxes for over a year now.

Very true, but weirder things have happened. In all reality, I doubt SI will ever have a squad.
Alot depends upon the city's budget. The mayor again stated that he has to close 20 fire companies - this is his way to gain public support for FD which  will force him to cuts other agencies. S.I. has been a leader in buying special equipment for the fire dept. They are getting a new police station - the 121st Pct. should being opening up this year up the raod from Eng 166's quarters. So lets sit back & see what happens. A new Squad can be used for South Brooklyn & also in upper Manhattan.