Mar 29, 2012
The New York Firemen's Cycle Club is the oldest FDNY-affiliated organization in the City; in fact, it pre-dates by more than two years the formation of the 5-Borough consolidation of 1898, which resulted in "Greater New York", now known of course as New York City.

Organized on October 2, 1896, the Cycle Club as it's popularly known was part of a national craze that began in the late 1880s with the invention of the "Safety Bicycle", which had two wheels of equal size and a chain drive. All kinds of groups formed cycle clubs: businesses, civic and religious organizations, hobbyists of various stripes. People loved the convenience of having instant, reliable transportation right where they needed it, at any time, and the social aspect of organized cycling activity had wide appeal.

Firefighters in New York at that time worked a continuous-duty schedule, with time allotted on a rotating basis to go home for meals. The bicycle saved a lot of time for those who did not live that close to the firehouse (though many did), since they did not have to wait for streetcars or other public conveyances to transport them to and from work, with the added bonus of maintaining good physical fitness; a "must" for their strenuous occupation. It was this feature that inspired a number of prominent citizens to organize a club to further that fitness aspect and support activities relating to the NYC Fire Department. In its heyday, the Cycle Club held regular riding events, including a "Century-Run": a 100-mile race to a point on Long Island and back, for which impressive trophies of gold, silver, and bronze were awarded.

Although enthusiasm for cycling began to wane with the popularity of the automobile, the NY Firemen's Cycle Club continued, becoming more of a social club as the years went on. As a group that attracted many with interest in the fire service, its history and traditions, it became the gathering place for the same kind of prominent citizens who organized it, and a premier organization with a world-wide reputation.

Now in its 120th year (2016), the Cycle Club is still in operation, though with a lesser number of members than in the past. However, the present leadership is engaged in a successful re-energizing program, attracting new members and welcoming back some who drifted away in recent times, with a mix of the traditional social/historical focus on the fire service, and updated versions of the most popular activities from the organization's past.

Currently, a 3-man executive board runs the club, each board member serving two functions: President/Secretary, Vice-President/Sgt-at-Arms, Treasurer/Membership Chairman. Support and expertise from club members who are prominent in their fields provides a boost to activities, with presentations at membership meetings as well as materials to enhance knowledge and provide up-to-date information about the fire service, new methods and approaches to firefighting, and related subjects such as science, building construction, health and safety, innovative techniques from other disciplines that are benefiting public safety and the fire service's adaptation of them, and news from other towns and cities' fire departments. There are members of the club from a number of those places who attend the meetings if they are in the area at the time, and other members who make the trip to New York specifically for meetings, occasionally adding some time-in-town to interact with the FDNY and its activities.

Further information on the New York Firemen's Cycle Club can be obtained by contacting them at 
