transporting other people?

Nov 6, 2009
whats the FDNY EMS policy on transporting other people besides the vic (family/friends/arresting officer)? like where would they sit and who exactly is allowed to be transported besides the vic? whats the policy for an EDP or people arrested?
Jul 9, 2009
Been a few years but....
Generally a family member or two can come along if there is room and a seatbelt for the additional passengers.  For an EDP patient its generally up to the crew.  If they feel like the patient can be a threat PD will assist with transportation.  If a patient is under arrest then obviously a cop will be going with the unit to the ER.
Feb 28, 2007
When I was in NYC EMS was ALWAYS up to the crew for safety reason. Family can ride in with the Second Bus if their was a ALS/BLS unit 10-84. Most family members(1) ride up front, other then a comforting Parent can ride with the little one's. But I never take boyfriends or girlfriends. We are not a cab. Even though feel like 99.9% of the time. Also got to love when the little old lady wants to ride with Poppie and she can hardly step in a car, rather then a truck, but hey, give those old people credit for going with their loved one's. Police Officer's and FF's ride in the back. Sometimes a Conditions Boss can also take a family member or PD.
Mar 16, 2009
Current policy is at the crew discretion.  The technician in the back of the bus makes the final call as to how many family members can ride with the patient.  Each situation is different - sometimes you can't have any family in the back of the bus (sorry, "ambulance") due to a very critical patient with two or three providers all administering care.  Personally, I never like to have family in the cab of the bus with me...I have enough to focus on with the driving, such as traffic, radio, siren, MDT, etc. without having to explain what's going on to a family member.

As far as police - if the patient is under arrest, the police officer MUST ride in the back with the patient.  If the patient is an EDP, the EMS policy is that the police officer MUST ride in the back with the patient - NYPD has a different policy for this situation which involves following the bus with both cops in the RMP - this leads to quite a few heated debates on scene.

As a side note, any on-duty NYC emergency provider can drive an ambulance to the hospital regardless of who owns the ambulance - for example, an FDNY firefighter, an NYPD police officer, or an EMT from Maimonides Medical Center could all drive an FDNY ambulance if needed.


Apr 16, 2008
I wonder how the new buses with the 4 door cabs will affect these policies?  Not sure what else the back seat will be used for accept family members.


Staff member
Dec 20, 2006
Just a note with FDNY EMS, all the crews I ever worked with, we never allowed anyone in front.  This was our personal space with our private stuff, food, etc. We do live for 8hrs a day..

Anyone riding was always in the back of our bus or another. If not then PD's job.