Vintage FDNY Videos

On the DCFD video, does anyone know what and where was the large columned building that was near the end of the video?
Via Vito;

First fire in series is on west side North Capitol St around Bryant. Was just leaving Communications on McMillan Dr. so was right on it. Second one is vacant row on 11th around P St NW. #3 is 3rd Alarm at Visitation School on 35th St in Georgetown.  Next a vacant chapel on grounds of Walter Reed annex in Silver Spring. Last is 2nd Alarm on North Capitol St. west side around P St.
Thanks very much Jammie, aka "R1SmokeEater", for posting these videos.

A busy time for fighting fires, not only in the FDNY, but in so many other cities throughout the U.S.

Things had to change or there wouldn't be much left. For some of these places, entire blocks would be lost due to the heavy fire activity.

Today of course technology has greatly improved the investigations of fires. What an arsonist could get away with during those past years, they can't get away with today.

But these videos are proof of what went on during such a different time.

Some of the stories of other cities besides the FDNY War Years, can be found in the thread here called: "The Other War Years".

The link to that thread being;,5964.0.html
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