Date: 12-01-24
Time: 2241hrs
Location: 118 Downing St X Riverdale Ave
Description: Fire top floor of a 3-story ordinary OMD
2241hrs- Multiple calls for top floor fire
E303, 304, 306, 308; L-74, 71, R-1, Squad 11; B-1
2244hrs- E303 on location with fire from top floor windows. B-1 transmitting 10-30 (All-Hands)
All-Hands: B-2, L-72FAST
2247hrs- B-1 rpts 3-story frame multiple dwelling with heavy fire top floor with exposure problem #2 side- 120 Downing St. (1) line on the exposure.
2248hrs- B-1 transmitting 2nd Alarm
2nd Alarm: E309, 307, 312; L-75
2258hrs- B-1 rpts (2) LSO, Primary on fire floor (-), opening up the roof. YPD ESU enroute with the METU (medical bus). Bee Line bus req. for occupants.
2312hrs- Car 3 rpts all companies removed from building, conducting a roll call. E303 in service with deck gun. TL-71 going into operation.
2319hrs- Car 3 rpts heavy fire in cockloft. Exterior ops ATT with E303, L71 and (1) LSO
2330hrs- Car 3 rpts PAR complete, shutting down master streams.
2332hrs- Car 3 rpts fire is K/D. (4) LSO
0056hrs- B-1 rpts a total of (8) injured members. M/A EMS from Scarsdale and Eastchester
Time: 2241hrs
Location: 118 Downing St X Riverdale Ave
Description: Fire top floor of a 3-story ordinary OMD
2241hrs- Multiple calls for top floor fire
E303, 304, 306, 308; L-74, 71, R-1, Squad 11; B-1
2244hrs- E303 on location with fire from top floor windows. B-1 transmitting 10-30 (All-Hands)
All-Hands: B-2, L-72FAST
2247hrs- B-1 rpts 3-story frame multiple dwelling with heavy fire top floor with exposure problem #2 side- 120 Downing St. (1) line on the exposure.
2248hrs- B-1 transmitting 2nd Alarm
2nd Alarm: E309, 307, 312; L-75
2258hrs- B-1 rpts (2) LSO, Primary on fire floor (-), opening up the roof. YPD ESU enroute with the METU (medical bus). Bee Line bus req. for occupants.
2312hrs- Car 3 rpts all companies removed from building, conducting a roll call. E303 in service with deck gun. TL-71 going into operation.
2319hrs- Car 3 rpts heavy fire in cockloft. Exterior ops ATT with E303, L71 and (1) LSO
2330hrs- Car 3 rpts PAR complete, shutting down master streams.
2332hrs- Car 3 rpts fire is K/D. (4) LSO
0056hrs- B-1 rpts a total of (8) injured members. M/A EMS from Scarsdale and Eastchester