Yonkers, NY-2nd Alarm 12-01-24


Mar 1, 2007
Date: 12-01-24
Time: 2241hrs
Location: 118 Downing St X Riverdale Ave
Description: Fire top floor of a 3-story ordinary OMD

2241hrs- Multiple calls for top floor fire
E303, 304, 306, 308; L-74, 71, R-1, Squad 11; B-1

2244hrs- E303 on location with fire from top floor windows. B-1 transmitting 10-30 (All-Hands)
All-Hands: B-2, L-72FAST

2247hrs- B-1 rpts 3-story frame multiple dwelling with heavy fire top floor with exposure problem #2 side- 120 Downing St. (1) line on the exposure.

2248hrs- B-1 transmitting 2nd Alarm
2nd Alarm: E309, 307, 312; L-75

2258hrs- B-1 rpts (2) LSO, Primary on fire floor (-), opening up the roof. YPD ESU enroute with the METU (medical bus). Bee Line bus req. for occupants.

2312hrs- Car 3 rpts all companies removed from building, conducting a roll call. E303 in service with deck gun. TL-71 going into operation.

2319hrs- Car 3 rpts heavy fire in cockloft. Exterior ops ATT with E303, L71 and (1) LSO

2330hrs- Car 3 rpts PAR complete, shutting down master streams.

2332hrs- Car 3 rpts fire is K/D. (4) LSO

0056hrs- B-1 rpts a total of (8) injured members. M/A EMS from Scarsdale and Eastchester
Date: 12-01-24
Time: 2241hrs
Location: 118 Downing St X Riverdale Ave
Description: Fire top floor of a 3-story ordinary OMD

2241hrs- Multiple calls for top floor fire
E303, 304, 306, 308; L-74, 71, R-1, Squad 11; B-1

2244hrs- E303 on location with fire from top floor windows. B-1 transmitting 10-30 (All-Hands)
All-Hands: B-2, L-72FAST

2247hrs- B-1 rpts 3-story frame multiple dwelling with heavy fire top floor with exposure problem #2 side- 120 Downing St. (1) line on the exposure.

2248hrs- B-1 transmitting 2nd Alarm
2nd Alarm: E309, 307, 312; L-75

2258hrs- B-1 rpts (2) LSO, Primary on fire floor (-), opening up the roof. YPD ESU enroute with the METU (medical bus). Bee Line bus req. for occupants.

2312hrs- Car 3 rpts all companies removed from building, conducting a roll call. E303 in service with deck gun. TL-71 going into operation.

2319hrs- Car 3 rpts heavy fire in cockloft. Exterior ops ATT with E303, L71 and (1) LSO

2330hrs- Car 3 rpts PAR complete, shutting down master streams.

2332hrs- Car 3 rpts fire is K/D. (4) LSO

0056hrs- B-1 rpts a total of (8) injured members. M/A EMS from Scarsdale and Eastchester

Thank you “truck4” for providing us with the rundowns on Yonkers FD jobs
I have some friends in Yonkers and seeing that city shows me that the fire department members and those responding on mutual aid really earn their pay

The hills, narrow streets, and various types of large commercial and apartment buildings with exposures is a huge challenge that NYCs 6th Boro - as I call it, deal with