Yonkers, NY- 3rd Alarm 03-22-25


Mar 1, 2007
Date: 03-22-25
Time: 1715hrs
Location: 51 Elinor Place X Caryl Ave
Description: Fire top floor of a 3-story dwelling

1715hrs- Numerous calls for a house fire.
E-304, 306, 307, 303; L-74, 71, R-1, Squad 11, B-1

1717hrs- L75 added as FAST

1719hrs- L-74 with heavy smoke in the area.

1721hrs- E-304 has fire showing top floor. B-2 responding as Safety.

1723hrs- E-304 rpts exposure problem on #4 side. B-1 transmitting 10-30 (All Hands)

1731hrs- B-1 rpts (3) L/S, S/C extra Engine and Truck
E308, L72

1741hrs- B-1 transmitting 2nd Alarm
E310 (when released from a reported structure on Morrow Ave)

1800hrs- B-1 transmitting the 3rd Alarm
3rd Alarm: E-313, E-314, L-73

1808hrs- CMD rpts fire 3rd floor, co's opening up the roof. No exposure problem ATT. E-309 SAFETY

1814hrs- CMD rpts fire K/D on 3rd floor. Still opening up.

Mutual Aid:
Greenville Squad 15 to Station 12
New Rochelle E-22 and L-12 to Station 1

L-70 to Station 12 (with E-312)

E-316 and B-3 placed in service with recall personnel
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