Date: 11-28-11
Time: 1854hrs
Location: 80 Remsen Road X Roxbury Drive
Description: Fire in the walls on the 1st and 2nd floor of a 2-story vacant frame P/D.
1854hrs- L-70 on scene with smoke showing, 10-29 (Working Fire).
1st Alarm: E-314, Sq-11, 310, 312; L-70, 75; B-2; R-1
1900hrs- B-2 rpts All-Hands for fire in the walls on the #3 side. S/C E-307 on the All-Hands. B-1 responding as the Safety Officer.
Time: 1854hrs
Location: 80 Remsen Road X Roxbury Drive
Description: Fire in the walls on the 1st and 2nd floor of a 2-story vacant frame P/D.
1854hrs- L-70 on scene with smoke showing, 10-29 (Working Fire).
1st Alarm: E-314, Sq-11, 310, 312; L-70, 75; B-2; R-1
1900hrs- B-2 rpts All-Hands for fire in the walls on the #3 side. S/C E-307 on the All-Hands. B-1 responding as the Safety Officer.