Yonkers, NY- Working Fire 11-28-11


Mar 1, 2007
Date: 11-28-11
Time: 1854hrs
Location: 80 Remsen Road X Roxbury Drive
Description: Fire in the walls on the 1st and 2nd floor of a 2-story vacant frame P/D.

1854hrs- L-70 on scene with smoke showing, 10-29 (Working Fire).
1st Alarm: E-314, Sq-11, 310, 312; L-70, 75; B-2; R-1

1900hrs- B-2 rpts All-Hands for fire in the walls on the #3 side. S/C E-307 on the All-Hands. B-1 responding as the Safety Officer.
Question. When the second Battalion Chief responds to a fire as the Safety Officer, what chief then covers the rest of the city.
nfd2004 said:
Question. When the second Battalion Chief responds to a fire as the Safety Officer, what chief then covers the rest of the city.

None....... :eek:
......Since cuts closed Safety, the other BC responds as such, supposedly if another job comes in, he turns over duty to a Company Captain and leaves to take that in.
Thanks Jamie for that info. It becomes a game of rolling the dice.

I just thought that I'd pass this along. After the City of Bridgeport (CT) lost two firefighters about a year and a half ago, the city has now decided to hire a Capt or Lt on O.T. to operate as a Safety Officer. They respond to every call that gets a full assignment, plus pin jobs, special rescue incidents and hazmat incidents. This is in addition to the Two Battalions that already cover the city.

  A comparison to the two cities of both Yonkers and Brideport, they are very similiar in size and workload. Both have lost firefighters within the last two years or so, BUT one has added a Safety Officer, while the other city (Yonkers) cut their Safety Officer.

  A study after the Bridgeport Firefighter deaths showed the need for a Safety Officer on the scene. Prior to that there was No Safety Officer. I guess you could call this "A Tale of Two Cities".
