Yonkers, NY- Working Fire 12-04-11


Mar 1, 2007
Date: 12-04-11
Time: 0049hrs
Location: 152 Lockwood Ave X Jessamine Ave
Description: Fire in a 1-story pizzaria end of row.

0051hrs- Original call for smoke from a pizzaria, E-312 on location with smoke showing.
1st Alarm: E-312, 310, 306, Sq-11; L-75, 72; R-1, B-2

10-3thebox said:
How much work does Yonkers catch? Worth buffing?

They do catch work,but the members are some of the best,friendliest,and knowledgeable guys you will meet. NFD2004 i dont think they go fires citywide unless rescue 1 is tied up elsewhere.
anesti said:
10-3thebox said:
How much work does Yonkers catch? Worth buffing?

They do catch work,but the members are some of the best,friendliest,and knowledgeable guys you will meet. NFD2004 i dont think they go fires citywide unless rescue 1 is tied up elsewhere.

Thanx  ;)
anesti is right, Sq-11 acts as an engine, unless R-1 is out, they go in as Squad......
We have been slow lately, but do have our busy times.......cold weather is coming,that's usually brings us work.