RIP Rocco, Willy, was he the member that we chatted with that was returned to duty with the jacked up ankle?
The documentary titled "Decade of Fire" will have it's public broadcast on PBS/Independent Lens beginning on Monday evening November 4th at 10 pm and will run various days and times throughout that month.
As I understand it, people who grew up in the South Bronx neighborhoods tell what it was like. They also suggest that the city encouraged the South Bronx to burn down in order to get rid of the much older rundown buildings throughout the area and did little to stop the arson.
I also talked to some people regarding that, who were right in the middle of it at the time, and some believe that it seems to have perhaps played some part in high incident of arson fires in the area.
One area in which several city blocks had been totally destroyed by fires was an area just south of the Cross Bronx Expressway bordered by Third Ave to the east and Washington Ave to the west, now occupied as "The Bathgate Industrial Park".
Also during this time, firehouses were closing down and firefighters were getting laid off.
Recently, one of the members of this site and I were discussing the fact that "before" any such Bathgate Industrial Park plan was considered, NEW gas and Electric Lines were being installed under ground on Third Ave at that location. Why would that be done to an area with nothing left but a few burned out shells ?
The Charlotte St area was another destroyed area. But after the fires it became home to Ranch Style homes with yards and picket fences.
Simpson St where every building was burned out except for the Fort Apache Police Pct (41) is now home to new townhouse units. About two years ago, one unit was for sale. I checked and the asking price was $324,000 (?).
"Decade of Fire" talks about that. Was the burning of the South Bronx and so many other places throughout the city a plan to rebuild and increase property values ?
Here is a couple of links that tell a little bit about the upcoming "Decade of Fire" showing.
Bill - Bronx fire during the World Series, 1977 - Fire during World Series was a vacant school - former PS 3 - at 158th St. and Melrose Avenue in the Bronx.
By the way, the Dodgers won Game 2 by a score of 6-1 - but the Yankees upset the favored Dodgers to win the 1977 World Series in 6 games. Billy Martin was the Yankees manager. Tommy Lasorda managed the Dodgers. Reggie Jackson became "Mr October" by hitting 3 homers in Game 6 at the Stadium.
A new candy bar was introduced after the World Series and named for Jackson - the "Reggie Bar".
I’m reading this in February 2022 and it looks like it’s back minus the insane fire dutyInteresting to read the EMS side of things involving the FDNY back in those War Years. As a buff, I remember reading, I believe in WNYF Magazine, how a group of FDNY members had become EMTs. As I remember it, I think some of the guys had an EMT/EMS patch sown on their turnout coats, and there was also a a small EMT sticker put on some of their helmets. I also remember hearing when the city had no interest in trying to retain and recruit additional FDNY members as EMTs. And as posted by others, this was during a time when a one hour eta for an ambulance (referred to as a "bus") was accepted as common practice.
"69mets", thank you very much for that picture you posted of Engine 234 transporting a patient to the hospital. And as Chief "68jk09" says, "sometimes a NYPD unit would transport a patient in the back seat of a police car". I remember the time myself and another member I worked with were buffing on Teller Ave near Clairmont Park. We saw a male drop to the ground from a seizure. As FF/EMTs we went over to see what we could do. No cell phones and an ERS box the next block over. As luck would have it a police car happened to pull up. They called for an ambulance and was told, "one hour ETA for the bus". It was just about impossible to get an ambulance in those days. The officers told us, "put him in the back seat, and we'll take him". So that's what we did. No care given or vital signs taken. It would be so different today.
In another incident, an elderly woman slipped on the ice in a parking lot. Once again, a call for an ambulance with no response as this poor old lady laid on the cold ground in single digit numbers. Several calls were placed from the business and word was "their on the way". The best we could do was cover her with a blanket and our coats. That poor woman laid there for almost two hours.
Those 70s and 80s in NYC were bad all around. You couldn't get an ambulance. The fire dept was stretched to the breaking point. The crime was completely out of control. The streets were lined with rubbish and trash. Vacant and burned out buildings for blocks. Grafitti everywhere. Even Times Sq had a reputation of a place to avoid. Most politicians had just about written the place off. It was it's City Employees that held that city together. Its Firefighters, Police Officers, Sanitation Workers, its Teachers, Police/Fire Dispatchers. And those completely overwelmed EMTs from NYC Health and Hositals, and those who worked the war zones in the city emergency rooms at each hospital.
Today, all of that is behind us. Somewhere and somehow things started to improve. But for those of us that were around during those 70s and 80s, it just couldn't get any worse. The City was at the breaking point. Just a few miles from where the richest of our country resided in luxury, was a Third World enviorment that few wanted to deal with.
Sorry to correct Uncle Wilfred but Garrett aka 69Mets rode at E248 when his father was Captain there. Captain Bob Lindgren had me sign on as the company Auxiliary in 1964 and I rode there until 1973. I remember Garrett’s frequent visits to E248.Time continues to pass by from those early buffing days.
So much has changed too.
The once burnt out neighborhood of Charlotte St in the Bronx has completely changed from all the burned out buildings, burned out ADVs, and piles of rubbish on the streets and in the vacant lots.
Today Charlotte St and many of the surrounding streets now have residential raised ranch houses with yards. They have picket fences rather than razor wire, and there are well kept town houses.
It is my hope for the FDNY War Years Firefighters, throughout the city, their stories should never be forgotten
There has been a few books written about them and the conditions they worked under as firefighters.
I call them the "Worlds Greatest Generation of Firefighters", known as the FDNY War Years Firefighters.
With that said, here's where my story continues from my previous post, # 1833.
It begins with a mail box in my neighborhood that I ride by all the time.
That mailbox out on the street is a real classic.
It looks like it was hand made.
It is in the shape of an old classic fire truck.
I always hoped that one of these days I would get to meet the owner and ask him about it and if I can get one for myself.
I just didn't have the chance to see him.
Recently, I was in a local drug store and I see a guy wearing an FDNY Tee Shirt.
He appeared to be in his 70's so I went up to him and asked, 'Were you on the job in NY" ?
He tells me "yes, I was"
So, I ask him if we can talk and I tell him how I used to buff back in the 1970s, 80s, and 90's.
We end up talking about an hour or so, like we are long lost buddies.
Of course we don't have too many retired FDNY members living around here.
I ask him when did he get on the job.
He tells September, 1968
Wow, I know some guys who were also apart of that Probie Class
Three guys who are well known and frequently contribute on this site.
First the owner of this site, Retired Captain John B., aka "jbendick"
Also two other retired FDNY War Years Members, Retired B/C Jack K., aka "68jk09" and Retired Lt Tom K., aka "LtQ".
Then I tell him how fortunate I was to get invited to that Probie Class of September, 1968 - 50th Anniversary Reunion, where I got to meet several other guys from that Probie Class.
They ALL sure caught their share of work during their years on the job.
I ask him what companies he worked in.
He tells me he worked Engine 234 and when he got promoted to Lt, he was assigned to Engine Co 210.
The same firehouse that my brother and I were first introduced to, with Rescue 2 on Carlton Ave.
I told him the story of being invited down to that firehouse way back in the summer of 1968, by FDNY Firefighter Tony T., aka "TAD".
He told me when he made Lt,"TAD" would often be his chauffeur on Engine 210.
Of course when he said he worked Engine 234, I remember this site member Retired FDNY Firefighter Garrett L., aka "69METS", telling me as a kid he used to ride there, where his father was a Captain.
What a great conversion we had.
Then I ask him if he lives around here.
He says; "yes" and I ask him what street.
That is the same street where that classic fire truck mail box is that I ride by all the time.
Turns out that's where he lives and that is his mailbox.
His name is Tom F., aka "Mufti".
He retired in 2000
Maybe some of you know him.
I'm hoping he will become a member on this site too.
I'm going to try and get one of the guys here to post the picture of that firetruck mailbox for me.
That's it Johnny DProbably when his father was promoted to BC and assigned to B 38, quartered with E 234.
Yes the 41 was Fort Apache, but the movie Fort Apache was filmed with the actual 42 pct serving as the "set" for the frontage scenes of the movie's station houseFort Apache was the 41 PCT I believe.
Pride !From my own personal dealings with Eng 82 back in the busy 'War Years' if they were just taking up from a job, & they got word that there was another job in the area, Engine 82 would volunteer to respond. I think that ******* would agree with me on that comment. It seemed that the term "R&R" was not in their vocabulary! I often wondered how the guys did it night after night.