New Seagraves

Gentelmen..... Here is a list in order of the NEW TOWER LADDERS awaiting to be placed into service.....

TL 172. 95'
TL 018. 75'
TL. 012. 95 '
TL. 053. 75 '
TL 152. 95'
TL 001. 75'
TL. 009. 95'
TL 170. 75'
TL. 119. 95 '
TL. 131. 75'
TL. 161. 95'
TL. 033. 75'
TL. 117. 95'
TL. 111. 75'
TL. 044. 95'
TL. 058. 95'
TL. 014. 95'
TL. 121. 95'
TL 107. 75'
TL. 051 95'
TL. 085. 95'
TL. 144. 75'
TL. 105. 75'
TL. 079. 75'

Now that l am living in Florida this past year allot of this info is not readily avaliable to me.
If l get the NEW PUMPER LIST l will post whatever info l get.
** If you go back to reply # 33 in this section I listed all the NEW SEAGRAVE PUMPERS
ending with the last pumper delievered to
E 292 in Queens in the last order. ** There is no new listing for the 2025 Seagrave Pumpers ad of yet that l hear of.
I do have the NEW SQUAD CO. listing and the Hi-Pressure pumpers listing.

Thanxs guys... talk to you all soon
So, are these units that have all been delivered, but not yet placed into service? Or just a projected assignment list?
So, are these units that have all been delivered, but not yet placed into service? Or just a projected assignment list?
No they all hands no been placed into service yet. As far as l no TL 172. 95" has been delievered. The list is in the order they will be delievered. Just don't forget if there is a issue with a tower ladder that is next up for scheduled out could be passed over until the issue is corrected