New Seagraves

Gentelmen..... Here is a list in order of the NEW TOWER LADDERS awaiting to be placed into service.....

TL 172. 95'
TL 018. 75'
TL. 012. 95 '
TL. 053. 75 '
TL 152. 95'
TL 001. 75'
TL. 009. 95'
TL 170. 75'
TL. 119. 95 '
TL. 131. 75'
TL. 161. 95'
TL. 033. 75'
TL. 117. 95'
TL. 111. 75'
TL. 044. 95'
TL. 058. 95'
TL. 014. 95'
TL. 121. 95'
TL 107. 75'
TL. 051 95'
TL. 085. 95'
TL. 144. 75'
TL. 105. 75'
TL. 079. 75'

Now that l am living in Florida this past year allot of this info is not readily avaliable to me.
If l get the NEW PUMPER LIST l will post whatever info l get.
** If you go back to reply # 33 in this section I listed all the NEW SEAGRAVE PUMPERS
ending with the last pumper delievered to
E 292 in Queens in the last order. ** There is no new listing for the 2025 Seagrave Pumpers ad of yet that l hear of.
I do have the NEW SQUAD CO. listing and the Hi-Pressure pumpers listing.

Thanxs guys... talk to you all soon
So, are these units that have all been delivered, but not yet placed into service? Or just a projected assignment list?
So, are these units that have all been delivered, but not yet placed into service? Or just a projected assignment list?
No they all hands no been placed into service yet. As far as l no TL 172. 95" has been delievered. The list is in the order they will be delievered. Just don't forget if there is a issue with a tower ladder that is next up for scheduled out could be passed over until the issue is corrected
This is from Retired Dispatcher Herb Eysser

As of March 24, 2025, the following Ladder Companies have received, or will shortly get, a new Seagrave rig
Ladder 172 - 95 ft Tower Ladder
Ladder 12 - 95 ft Tower Ladder
Ladder 53 - 75 ft Tower Ladder
Ladder 11 - 100 ft Rear Mount
Ladder 128 - 100 ft Rear Mount

Also, Herb adds - "It is getting harder to get information from the Shops regarding future delivery of apparatus mainly because the Uniformed Fire Force is no longer in command".