So the helmet has a leather front piece with the number of the company which is color coded to the type of unit it is and the member's rank or badge number. The insert (the color coded number) is also in the last year now being replicated on the back of the breathing apparatus to allow for...
It seems to be geared more so to administrative positions, especially EMTs like senior instructors or members involved in logistics who are supervising other EMTs.
The department has been in talks with the union to bring back EMT Lieutenants for administrative duties (currently all, but a few grandfathered Lieutenants are paramedics). Apparently as they will be paid different to reflect their different level of certification there is a desire for them to...
Yes, but it would allegedly be a tight fit with the new wider power stretchers. Thankfully the power stretchers themselves are more convenient then that trick.
Randy and I were in overlapping friend groups for a few years. Great guy by all accounts who is super into the job. Praying for a speedy and full recovery...
The Rescue Medics ideally (if such a word can be used in this context) wait for the FAST to remove the member to a non-IDLH atmosphere. That said there are exceptions and the medics are both equipped and trained for those exceptions. They have structural PPE, SCBA and are Rebreather trained...
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