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  1. 8

    FDNY Operations Manuals

    Unit Locations c1946.  Strikeout entries were made by owner(s) of the book in subsequent years, for instance Engine Cos. 4-19-20-25-29 were disbanded in 1947
  2. 8

    FDNY Operations Manuals

    Heitowit Telegraph signals  1940s
  3. 8

    Open Cabs

    Smokey's' Chief was named Cash U. Nutt, he had a brother named Sol T. Nutt. In some panels their car was numbered 6 7/8. FOO
  4. 8

    Your FAVORITE classic NYC firehouse?

    JOR, Here's one time on Pacific Street they didn't.  Is it your photo?
  5. 8

    Old aerial maps of NYC

    Though the aerial photos are pretty low res, there are a lot of other good features on the DOITT map.  You can zoom in on streets, including unnamed back alleys, click on buildings and get detailed information,.  Clicking "User Guide" at top gives a 31 page downloadable PDF manual telling how to...
  6. 8

    West Hamilton Beach Vollies....

    About 20 mins ago (1430 hrs, 1/31/11) a MACK CF pumper - West Hamilton Beach vollies was responding - lights and sirens - northward on Woodhaven Blvd thru Middle Village - Rego Park. Was something big going on?
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  8. 8

    My younger Buff years

    On 10/16/1955 FDNY sent mutual aid to Danbury, Connecticut to assist with serious flooding.  A total of 150 firemen and auxiliaries, 22 Ward LaFrance CD pumpers, and additional units such as Searchlight 23, GOU 12, Fieldcom, and busses of relief personnel responded.  Convoy assembled at Engine...
  9. 8

    My younger Buff years

    Here's another that probably pre-dates Harrons FIRE PAL and FIRE REPORTER, it is a tunable "POLIC-ALARM" and in the 1950s my local firehouse had one near the watch desk tuned to the FD frequency.  Great for us kids who would walk in after they had a run, and hear where they went and what was...
  10. 8

    My younger Buff years

    This ad is from 1961 Fire Engineering, and yes, I did have the Fire Pal.  I lived in a smaller city then and a radio friend in school adapted it where any (rare) night transmissions on the tuned frequency would activate a light and buzzer to wake me; but then any noise or static would do so it...
  11. 8

    My younger Buff years

    Also wasn't Bogart & Rock a 3700? Maybe 3755 or 3756 in the old days? 277 was Grand & LaGrange Sts long after Eastern District High School was built and LaGrange Street removed.
  12. 8

    Fire Bells

    Fire Engineering, 1941
  13. 8

    Fire Bells

    A Fire Engineering ad, 1930
  14. 8

    Boston FD

    To the left of the Boston fireman assisting a civilian down is a Bangor ladder not trussed with solid beams, the tormentor is visible.  It is marked 'LAD17 40 FT"
  15. 8

    Boston FD

    My 1961 edition of the NFPA "Fire Terminology" defines Baby Bangor as "A small extension ladder without ropes or pulleys mostly used inside of buildings." Bangor Ladder is defined as "A large extension ladder with tormentor poles for use in raising, of a type developed in Bangor, Maine, and...
  16. 8

    Pictures of Fire Boats

    Here is the CANS (Community And News Service) rig as it apeared in WNYF 1966/4.  There was no photo of the Squad 3 rig in WNYF between 1966-68. (Mack: how do you attach photos that enlarge on clicking?  I am getting my attached (img) file after uploading to photobucket)
  17. 8

    Second sections

    Back in the days, you could hear Brooklyn radio pick up engine assignments like: 233 2332 232 332 almost without stopping between digits, but that was OK, the companies knew what they were hearing
  18. 8

    Tower Ladders in the Bronx

    This aerial photo is from 1951, much of what was Randall's and Ward's Island has been filled in, including the waterway known as Little Hell Gate that separated the two. The waterway was crossed by three bridges: The Queens branch of the Triborough Bridge, the Hell Gate railroad bridge (both of...
  19. 8

    FDNY's "Combo Companies"

    I believe the E82 LT front may be a hybrid of two styles or a custom job.  The colored inserts for LT were used c1959-1965.  Prior to that CAPT and LT had the company number (in associated color) on a full white front with no lettering, only the one or two devices at top (trumpets, axes) to...
  20. 8

    2 piece engine co.

    I remember that E206 was the last Engine Company regularly running with two-pieces. I think both were c1965 Mack C-Model diesels, a sharp looking pair. In the early 1970s a lot of companies had a second piece used as a wagon, but generally only ran on certain boxes, such as waterfront locations.