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    Hartford, Ct 2nd alarm 9/29/15

    Hartford, Ct had a 2nd alarm at 137 Franklin Ave about 1415 hours. I hit every light and stuck behind every bus between my house and the fire but did get some pictures.
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    Boston Sparks Association Dedication

    For those interested, the Boston Sparks Assoc. dedicated a new rig on 9/27/15 at their quarters which is the Boston Fire Museum at 344 Congress St. Some pictures on my web site;
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    Boston TL-17

    I took this picture 2 months ago at the Boston Sparks annual picnic.
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    Meriden, Ct 4th alarm 5/9/15

    Meriden, Ct had 4 alarms today about noon at 525 Crown St. 2nd was struck before arrival of first due companies due to volume of smoke seen while responding and the volume of calls reporting people trapped and jumping. Pictures at
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    Hartford, CT - 3rd Alarm 4/16/2015

    Emmett. 2nd alarm was struck by Ladder 3 on their arrival. District 1 was the chief on this as District 2 was on another call, although he did respond on the 2nd. When the 3rd alarm was struck they also had a working fire (rear porches) on Lawrence St.  Pictures are posted on my site...
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    East Hartford, Ct W/F 4/1/15

    East Hartford, Ct had this mobile home fire at 33 Cheyenne Rd on 4/1/15 @1243 hours. The normal first alarm assignment was not normal as those companies were tied up on other calls. First due Engine 5 never made it to the fire.
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    Boston Box 1579, 3-26-2014!i=3950901038&k=W7znxZF
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    Hartford, Ct W/F 10/25/14
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    FDNY and NYC Firehouses and Fire Companies

    Columbia, SC donated a tiller to Ladder 101. I am friends with Jack Jansen who was Chief of Department in Columbia at the time.
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    Hartford LODD

    As one of two photographers requested by the Hartford Fire Dept. to photograph the funeral. I have with their permission posted pictures on my web site of the funeral.
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    Hartford LODD

    This info is copied from the Hartford Fire Fighters Associatiion IAFF Local 760 web site. October 9, 2014 TO: General Membership FROM: Vincent Fusco, President RE: Funeral Arrangements for Firefighter Kevin Bell Dear Brother and Sister Firefighters, Preliminary Wake and Funeral arrangements...
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    Hebron,CT House Destroyed By Fire 9/20/14

    This house was about 1000 ft. off the road. Many mutual aid department's responded to do a tanker shuttle. More pictures at
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    Boston, Ma. 4th alarm

    East Boston Box 6139 for a fire at 309 Sumner St. 2nd alarm on arrival by Engine 9 for a fire in 2 buildings. Car 1 arrived and struck the 3rd. 0825 Car 1 struck the 4th alarm 0827. Car 1 reporting heavy fire in original fire building with extension into 2 other...
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    FDNY and NYC Firehouses and Fire Companies

    Picture from last August when I was in the area. If I remember correctly it was being renovated into a museum although I forget for who.
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    Boston Molasses Tank Disaster

    Very good book on this disaster
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    Port Authority FD

    I didn't see this posted so I thought I would post it. I may have missed it.
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    Hartford, Ct W/F 6/6/13

    At 0311 Hartford had a working fire at 639 Windsor St in a commercial building. The normal first alarm assignment was still operating at the second alarm so covering companies had this fire with mutual aid covering the city. I arrived with the first due companies. Pictures here...
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    Springfield, Ma gas explosion 11/23/12 At the 0:17 mark you see the explosion Gas explosion Springfield Ma Worthington St  At the 0:17 mark you see the explosion.  At least one FF transported
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    East Hampton, Ct General alarm 5/26/12

    On 5/26/12 at 2340 hours East Hampton, Ct. responded to 4 Bevin Blvd for a fire in the Bevin Bell factory. The building was well involved on arrival. About one hour into the fire the area residents and firefighters were evacuated from the immediate vicinity due to the fire starting to involve...
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    New Boston firehouse book

    I had ordered this book a long time ago A Photographic Journey through the Firehouses of the FDNY and it was delivered to MT Publishing for delivery to those that ordered it, but there was a problem with the printing so the book was not released and sent back to the printer. The Boston book is...