Ladder co. 114... old quarters 5209 5 ave bklyn
a 2 story single house not much to look at but filled with old school irish catholic traditions.
the officer on duty said "Grace" before every meal and when dinner was over {pots/pans/plates were put on hold} we would sit around table talking like...
the scaling operation required upper body strength...
and i find it odd that the scaling ladder was removed from all our rigs
right about the same time the fdny changed the physical exam as per judge sifton.
the pastor of this church was interviewed this morning on ch 7 news.
she stated her parishioners were asking her where was God as her church burned..
she stated the water being placed on flames were Gods tears.
this reminded me of a sermon given by Father Gannon from our lady queen of peace...
rest in peace owen carlock L122 (9/11 related)
correct me if i am wrong but owen succumbed to his 9/11 illness while attending the al ronaldson 9/11 memorial golf outing in myrtle beach.
owen along with his foursome were regulars at this golf outing.
never forget.
a few years after E203 was closed it became occupied by a business called "bye bye birdie"
dont remember if it was a rear mount or tiller type of a retired piece of apparatus which was used to remove pidgeons from steeples.
obviously a single house probably an engine company..the two window openings on both sides of apparatus door opening may indicate entrance via a wicket door built into the apparatus door. the time and neighborhood gives me no hint.
jimmy was originally assigned to Engine Co.217 where he spent most of his career before transferring to 164/84
jimmy was strong as an ox...a very good nozzleman and an even better backup man.
a well respected man from DeKalb ave.
he will be missed.
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