1/27/21 Brooklyn 3rd Alarm Box 1241

Jan 20, 2014
Fire Location: 267 Flatbush Ave

Fire in the duct work of a restaurant


D-11 3 L/S 1 in Opp extra 1&1

D-11 4 L/S 2 in Opp. Unable to find the seat of the fire transmit a 2nd Alarm @ 12:36

2nd Alarm
E-207 w/ Sat. 6

D-11 s/c an additional Engine above the 2nd @12:55

D-11 transmit a 3rd Alarm @12:58

*Staging Dean St & 6th Ave*

3rd Alarm
L-124 Act. 105,113,102,123s/c
L-115 Act. 119(Fast)s/c
B-33(Air Recon)
Car-7(Brooklyn Borough Commander DAC Joseph Ferrante)
Car-23D(Press Duty)
Car-22F(Fleet Mechanic Supervisor Stephen Marshall)

D-11 Fire on all 4 floors we have 6 Lines in operation @ 13:05

FC s/c an additional fast truck & an additional truck @13:17

FC per Car-7 6 L/S/O Fire on the 1st floor that extended via smoker into the duct work. No extension into the exposures. DWH @13:25

FC per Car-7 Under Control @13:53

Squad 270 Act. Rescue 2
Engine 201 Act. Engine ??
Engine 14 Act. Engine 234
Engine 15 Act. Engine 224
Engine 227 Act. Engine 207
Engine 307 Act. Engine 210
Ladder 148 Act. Ladder 122
Ladder 168 Act. Ladder 132
Ladder 124 Act. Ladder 105
Ladder 115 Act. Ladder 119

Battalion 2 Act. Battalion 57
Battalion 7 Act. Battalion 31
Battalion 42 Act. Battalion 48

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Heard they were asking trucks not to open up because they didn’t have enough engines there. Dispatchers should’ve had relocates go right away instead of waiting for 2nd alarm units to show up. It took a while before they gave the second
Heard they were asking trucks not to open up because they didn’t have enough engines there. Dispatchers should’ve had relocates go right away instead of waiting for 2nd alarm units to show up. It took a while before they gave the second

Thanks Chief Brooklyn Fuego, what would we do without you. The dispatchers and brooklyn units thank you.
Thanks Chief Brooklyn Fuego, what would we do without you. The dispatchers and brooklyn units thank you.
Not bashing dispatchers and definitely not units so take a chill pill buddy. There were companies relocated to the area that probably heard HT transmissions from the job and when asked to be put on the box, dispatch told them to remain 10-8.
This could’ve been ugly and there wasn’t enough units when needed.
Thanks Chief Brooklyn Fuego, what would we do without you. The dispatchers and brooklyn units thank you.
Not bashing dispatchers and definitely not units so take a chill pill buddy. There were companies relocated to the area that probably heard HT transmissions from the job and when asked to be put on the box, dispatch told them to remain 10-8.
This could’ve been ugly and there wasn’t enough units when needed.

Gentlemen, we ALL certainly appreciate your contributions to this site.

However, it is the wish of this sites owner and administrators (tbendick, jbendick, and truck 4) that members NOT engage in any type of Monday Morning Quarterbacking regarding the FDNY or any other fire dept, operations, including dispatchers. It is NOT the job of ANY OF US here to "second guess" how events play out. I can also assure you that "mack", a site moderator, agrees as well.

So together we ask you to contribute to these topics but, in a "POSITIVE, PEACEFUL WAY". We just want to Keep the Peace Among Us.

Willy (NFD2004).
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Same building as fatal 5th alarm, almost 6 years ago to the day

That job was the last one I got to buff before I moved down here to Richmond, VA. The smell of the smoke woke me up all the way over on President St. near 6th. It was heavy enough that I figured the fire had to be within a block or two.
Well there was not a 10-75 transmitted. After being 84 for about 10 minutes the battalion transmitted the All hands and within 60 seconds an engine was relocated into 219. Why let the facts get in the way of a good internet story.