E260 still has there own foam rig labeled Foam 260. E238 had the foam tender that went out of service a few years ago. I'm sure when the rigs swap it will then be renumbered for E238
The pct received a fuel delivery last night. They have a major leak. About 1000 gallons missing. The Pct and firehouse evacuated as a precaution. They share a common basement
There would only be one person assigned to the watch. I would come over as Engine or Ladder. You would have to wait until HW announced which company it would be for. The new company would be added to the rotation of doing watches and meals. One company would have watches, one would have meals...
The watch at 259/128/45 was also set back behind the battalion rig. Can't see the front of qtrs. We ran our own camera system to see the front door and apron.
If there is just a planned bridge work then they will relocated an engine and ladder to the island for the day. Sometimes takes a couple of days, so they will rotate the companies.
They will use the reserve rigs and staff an engine and ladder over there for when the UN is in assembly. All boat...
They still don't run ems calls. They just have had all the ems equipment for the last 20 years. And this year they are getting defibrillators. They always had the ability to run an ems call if they came upon something or flagged down. They could help and call for a bus. And then get a CFRD...
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