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  1. tbendick

    FDNY Staff Chiefs / Commissioner the News

    I had to remove the posts related to this topic as the had copyrighted information that we are not allowed to use. This site is a not a RANT, the negative comments against anyone will not be allowed. Here are the links to the news stories related but we can not post the content of the articles...
  2. tbendick

    DC Ray Downey's Proby Tips

    When I entered the firehouse for the first time as a Proby, I was handed a paper of tips to help me as a Proby. These tips would also serve as basic buildings blocks for the rest of your career. In 1990, Deputy Chief Ray Downey wrote the following tips and gave this hand written list to his...
  3. Chief Ray Downey Proby Tips.jpg

    Chief Ray Downey Proby Tips.jpg

  4. tbendick

    FDNY 5-5-5-5. FF Moon R2 LODD

    Firefighter William P. Moon Children’s Scholarship Fund The FDNY Foundation has set up a scholarship fund for Firefighter William P. Moon. On Monday, December 12, while preparing for a drill inside his firehouse – Rescue Company 2 in Brooklyn, Firefighter Moon fell and suffered a serious head...
  5. tbendick

    New FDNY LODD Thread

    This is the new section for posting FDNY LODD's. We will be working on moving the legacy information into this section.
  6. tbendick

    A tip has been developed to discuss the proper apparatus positioning which took place at a recent 4th alarm fire in Brooklyn.

    A tip has been developed to discuss the proper apparatus positioning which took place at a recent 4th alarm fire in Brooklyn. Apparatus Positioning
  7. tbendick

    FDNY Book of 100 Remembrance Bulletins

    The FDNY BOT has published a Book of 100 Remembrance Bulletins. A tip has been developed to discuss this book. Embedded within the tip is a link to the book. Book of Remembrance Bulletins
  8. tbendick

    9/11 Tribute Video

  9. tbendick

    Changes to Site News and Info

    Making some changes so that this section is just for the Admins to post info about the Site. Won't be used for discussion but to relay information to the members of the site.
  10. tbendick

    The Mand Library Digital & Media Fund

    Please visit to make a donation to the Mand Library Digital & Media Fund. The FDNY Foundation announced a special screening of the film “Chief’, created by Can Man Productions, with support from FirstNet, Built with AT&T, about William Feehan and his...
  11. tbendick

    CHIEF: The Story of William Feehan & the FDNY This inspiring film tells the story of the beloved FDNY Chief who died on 9/11 when the South Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed.
  12. tbendick

    Closing companies/Moving companies

    City got federal funding. No issues with companies at this time
  13. tbendick

    FDNY and Denis Leary Foundation virtual training

    5/4 at 645pm
  14. tbendick

    A Tribute To Jack Supple, Buffalo N.Y. Fire Dept.

    They say one of the hardest things to go through when you get older is losing your friends. On Dec. 7, 2020, I lost a very dear friend of mine, someone I had known for 60 years. His name is retired Deputy Chief Jack Supple of the Buffalo Fire Department in New York. I met Jack and his late...
  15. tbendick

    10/15/20 Bronx 10-75 Box 6603

    This was a verbal to pelham manor firehouse. Bronx boxes that start with 66xx are dual response PMFD /FDNY. About 50 houses covered by the 66xx boxes which can not be accessed by nyc streets without driving into Pelham Manor. Each Department carries adapters with new adapters in the works...
  16. tbendick

    Time Stamp

    I was able to change for you. EST ok?
  17. tbendick


    take a moment and go into your user preferences and set your time zone. Only takes a moment.
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