11/4/24 Bronx All Hands Box 2753

Aug 5, 2015
Address: 1425 Wythe Place at East 171st St.

Fire on the top floor of a 6 story 100x75 class 3 MD

Phone Alarm - Reporting a fire in a MD - 10:51

B-17: 10-75 - Fire on the top floor - 10:52


B-17: All Hands - Extra E&T - 10:53

B-17: 10-70 (E-50 WRU) - 10:56

B-17: 2 L/S, 1 L/O - 11:01

D-6: We have a positive water source, water on the fire - 11:05

D-6: Start out another truck, we have heavy clutter (L-27) - 11:10

D-6: 2 L/S/O - Heavy clutter condition, trucks are still opening up - Start out an extra truck (L-55) - 11:23

D-6: 10-41 code 1 (mixer off) - PWH - 11:38

D-6: Special call 1 additional truck (L-163 act. 44) - 11:46

D-6: Special call 1 engine for relief (E-94) - Under Control - 11:59

Duration: 1 Hour & 1 Min.

D-6: Special call 2 additional trucks & have them come in with shovels (L-59 & TL-58) - 12:02

E-46, 71, 43, 92, 50, 94 s/c
L-44, 49, 19F, 45, 27 s/c, 55 s/c, 163 (act. 44) s/c, 59 s/c, 58 s/c
B-17, 26

*E-92 initially on an EMS run, E-50 also unavailable initially, E-68 relocated to E-63, E-42 at 2nd Alarm Box 3596

E-292 to E-92
E-35 to E-71
E-28 to E-35
E-315 to E-42
E-39 to E-43
L-163 to L-44
L-13 to L-45
L-129 to L-55
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Listen closely to the audio in the video. Absolutely priceless commentary given by a few "locals' who are standing in the street. The "locals" give a nice size up and progress report of fire conditions. Hysterical