11/9/22 Queens All Hands Box 4954

Aug 5, 2015
Location: Otto Road & Cypress Hills St.

Fire in a 2 story 15x20 vacant wood frame building in the transit yard

Phone Alarm - Reporting a shed fire in the railyard - 13:30

E-286: Give the 10-75 - Having difficulty reaching the fire - 13:34

L-140 FAST

E-286: We have a fully involved abandoned 1 story railway tower - We are having exposure & hydrant issues - 13:37

B-28: Based on E-286 report, transmit a 10-70 (E-319 WRU) - 13:37

B-28: All Hands - Have a Satellite unit respond (E-324 w/ Sat. 4) - 13:38

QD to B-28: You have an extra 1&1 on the box (other box out in the area, 10-31)

B-28: We're operating in a remote area - We have fire in a 2 story vacant wood frame building - 13:45

B-28: Water on the fire - Having some water resource issues, trying to get more water - 14:02

D-14: We're in the process of setting up a water relay from Otto Road, we should have a positive water resource in a couple of minutes - 14:04

D-14: We established a positive water resource - 14:11

D-14: 2 L/S/O - This will be a prolonged operation - DWH - 14:23

D-14: Still having 2 L/S/O hitting fire from the exterior - DWH - 14:41

D-14: Special call 4 engines (identities not announced), we have a large amount of hoseline that we need help packing - PWH - 15:09

D-14: Under Control - 15:47

Duration: 2 Hours & 19 Min.

E-286, 277, SQ-252, 291, 319
L-135, 112, 140F, 124
B-28, 37
E-324 w/ Sat. 4 s/c

E-320 to E-319
E-221 to E-277
L-156 to L-112
Last edited:
Nov 9, 2008
I used to play CYO baseball for St Andrew Avellino parish from Flushing in elementary school in the early 60’s at the nearby baseball field - what is now Mafera Field - generally played against Miraculous Medal parish